Agustin Pedro Justo

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Agustín Pedro Justo Rolón 1926

General Agustín Pedro Justo Rolón (born February 26, 1876 in Concepción del Uruguay ( Entre Ríos ), † January 11, 1943 in Buenos Aires ) was an Argentine military , diplomat and politician.

Political career

During the presidency of Marcelo Torcuato de Alvears (1922–1928), Agustín Justo was Minister of War. Like Alvear, he belonged to the anti-personalist wing of the Unión Cívica Radical , a movement that stood in opposition to Alvear's predecessor and party colleague Hipólito Yrigoyen (1916–1922). In 1930, two years after Yrigoyen's re-election, Justo supported the military coup General José Félix Uriburus , which drove the elected president from office.

After Uriburu began to publicly sympathize with corporatist ideas inspired by Italian fascism , he was no longer sustainable for the oligarchic circles behind the 1930 coup. In this situation, Justo, who adhered to economically liberal views, became the oligarchy's preferred candidate for the Argentine presidency.

After elections marked by massive fraud, Justo became president on February 20, 1932 . He stood for an electoral alliance close to the oligarchy, which consisted of the conservative Partido Demócrata Nacional , anti-personalists and a right-wing split from the Socialist Party ( Partido Socialista Independiente ). This party cartel, the so-called Concordancia , remained in power until 1943 through election fraud.

Justo's presidency was marked by the strong influence of British capital on the local economy as well as rapid industrialization and urbanization processes that changed Argentine society forever. His term of office ended on February 20, 1938.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. José Gabriel Vazeilles: Historia argentina: Etapas económicas y políticas 1850-1983. Editorial Biblos, Buenos Aires 2007, pp. 235f.
  2. José Gabriel Vazeilles: Historia argentina: Etapas económicas y políticas 1850-1983. Editorial Biblos, Buenos Aires 2007, p. 243.
  3. Historia general de las relaciones exteriores de la República Argentina: El período 1930-1933 . Website of the Universidad del CEMA . Retrieved March 24, 2010.
predecessor Office successor
José Félix Uriburu President of Argentina
1932 - 1938
Roberto María Ortiz