aka film club

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Academic Film Club eV at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
purpose University cinema
Chair: Katrin Baumgärtner, Meike Bischoff, Lukas Schmidt, Philipp Findling
Establishment date: November 22, 1957
Seat : Belfortstrasse 37, 79098 Freiburg
Website: http://www.aka-filmclub.de

The aka-Filmclub (short for: Akademischer Filmclub e.V. at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg ) is a university cinema in Freiburg im Breisgau that is run by students on a voluntary basis. The aka film club is currently showing around 40 films per semester in the large lecture hall of the Biology University of Freiburg .


The aka-Filmclub was founded on November 22nd, 1957 by students from the University of Freiburg around the medical student Wolfram Dischler and the law student Helmut Götte. Initially it was an informal group close to the AStA , to which Dischler and Götte belonged. In 1970 an entry was made in the association register .

For the first five years, the aka film club showed 16 mm films in various rooms at the university and 35 mm films in what was then the Kino camera . For the winter semester of 1962/63, the aka-Filmclub acquired its own 35 mm projectors , which it initially used in different locations until it was given the 2006 lecture hall in Kollegiengebäude II of the university as a permanent projection location in the summer semester of 1967. From then on, both 35 mm and 16 mm films were shown there.

In the course of the ongoing digitization of cinema projection , the aka-Filmclub bought a DCI -compliant digital projector for the 2013/14 winter semester . Since then, mainly DCPs have been shown, but there are also regular analogue film screenings.

Due to a planned thorough renovation of Kollegiengebäudes II, the screening facility of the aka film club was relocated to the large lecture hall of biology for the winter semester 2019/20.


The film club is made up of students from all departments and is organized on a grassroots basis. A four-person board of directors coordinates the club's operations. Both the program design and the strategic direction of the association take place on the basis of members' resolutions in the context of the monthly general assembly. According to the statutes, the association sees itself as religiously and politically neutral, but organizes regular film evenings in cooperation with politically and socially committed organizations, mainly from the student milieu, in accordance with the educational mandate through the statutes.

The aka-Filmclub is a member of the Federal Association of Local Film Work and the Federal Association of Youth and Film .


The statutes of the aka film club say: "The purpose of the association is to bring the medium of film closer to a wide range of interested students from a technical, artistic, political and sociological perspective."

The aka film club's program today consists largely of film series that are dedicated to topics or filmmakers. In addition, individual films are shown, regularly also in cooperation with other student and non-student initiatives. Occasionally there are special events such as silent film concerts or film parties.

In addition to showing films, the aka film club has also supported the production of films by its members since it was founded. This resulted in numerous films on Super 8 and 16 mm, for example with the later Loriot actor Heinz Meier . Most recently, the Super 8 film festival Exposed took place annually, during which Super 8 films could be shot, developed, edited and shown by anyone interested over a weekend.

In the years of its existence, the aka film club hosted various well-known filmmakers, including Werner Herzog , Peter Greenaway , Bertrand Tavernier and Hans Steinbichler .


The aka-Filmclub operates its own online film magazine called High Noon .

The former members of the aka film club include the television presenter Werner O. Feißt and the film director Philipp Döring .

In 2008 the aka-Filmclub received the 3rd prize in the cinema prize of the Kinematheksverbund in the category for cities with 130,000 - 250,000 inhabitants, in 2018 the 2nd prize in the category "Cinema that educates".

Members of the aka film club discuss current films once a month on the 35 millimeter broadcast on the non-commercial radio station Radio Dreyeckland .

The aka-Filmclub maintains a friendly cooperation with the Freiburg Municipal Cinema .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. aka-Filmclub: Contact
  2. Lukas Ferring, Annick Goerens, Luis Stuhlfelder, Mathias Karl, Viola Evang: Digital cinema culture on the advance. October 28, 2013, accessed June 20, 2018 .
  3. ^ Aka-Filmclub, Organization. Retrieved June 20, 2018 .
  4. ↑ List of members of the Federal Association of Communal Film Work. Retrieved June 20, 2018.
  5. HighNoon - the online film magazine of the aka film club.Retrieved on March 3, 2019
  6. Announcement of the winners of the 2008 Cinema Prize of the Kinematheksverbund ( Memento of the original from June 20, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved June 20, 2018. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.deutsche-kinemathek.de
  7. MFG BW: Kinopreis 2018 of the Kinematheksverbund to municipal cinemas. Retrieved December 20, 2018 .
  8. Broadcast 35 millimeters on Radio Dreyeckland.Retrieved on June 20, 2018