Academy of German-Italian Studies

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Schwalbenvilla-Villa San Marco, Innerhoferstraße 1, Merano

The Academy of German-Italian Studies Meran (in short: Akademie Meran , formerly “ German-Italian Cultural Association for South Tyrol ” or “ German-Italian Cultural Institute ”) is a non-profit association founded in Meran ( South Tyrol ) in 1949 . Its goals are to promote the scientific and cultural dialogue between the German and Italian language areas and to set the course for mutual understanding and exchange opportunities. The academy organizes international conferences, research seminars, readings, exhibitions and concerts. Often students and young researchers are guests at the academy. The conference papers are published in two series and in two volumes published by other publishers. In addition, the editorial office of the trilingual journal Yearbook for Philosophy, Poetry and Art is located at the Academy . Scientific projects are currently being carried out in cooperation with universities and research institutes in Germany, Austria and Italy. While the research focus in the first decades was in the field of the humanities , this focus has been expanded in recent years through the increased engagement with topics from business, law and the natural sciences.

Current development

The academy, which is anchored in the urban and national cultural context as well as in the European region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino , has its own academic and university profile, which is supported by cooperation agreements with various German and Italian-speaking universities. The new statute, adopted in 2017 , defines three main areas:

To implement the first topic, the university platform "EUPHUR" (Euregio Platform on Human Dignity and Human Rights) was founded in 2016 . Her work focuses on questions of human dignity and human rights as well as their ethical basis. In 2016, the Ezra Pound research center was founded, dedicated to studying the works of the American poet, who lived for several years in the Brunnenburg above Meran . The third subject area comprises the “ScienzaNuova” project and is being coordinated by the “Institute for Present-day Philosophical Questions”, which is currently in the development phase.


Since 1993, the seat of the Academy is in the Swallow Villa-Villa San Marco , which in the years 1894 / 95 by Austrian architect Count Alexander was built and is located in the Franz-Innerhofer-road first


A group of Merano professors and intellectuals from both language groups provided the impetus for the establishment of the German-Italian cultural association. from 1959 the cultural institute and then the academy were headed by Luigi Cotteri and his son Roberto, while high-ranking personalities such as Michele Federico Sciacca , Hans Rheinfelder , August Buck , Franco Valsecchi, Armando Rigobello, Guntram A. Plangg , Luigi Vittorio Ferraris and Christian Smekal held the chair and his deputy. In 2016, Cuno Tarfusser , a former judge at the International Criminal Court , took over the chairmanship of the academy.


  • Roberto Cotteri (Ed.): Catalogo Storico / Historical Catalog 1959–2009. Meran, Academy of German-Italian Studies, ISBN 978-88-95423-03-6

Web link

Individual evidence


Coordinates: 46 ° 40 ′ 2 "  N , 11 ° 9 ′ 53.5"  E