Albert Henry Payne

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Albert Henry Payne (born December 14, 1812 in London , † May 7, 1902 in Leipzig ) was an English engraver , painter , illustrator and publisher .


A. H. Paynes English Art Institute , pen drawing by Adolf Eltzner (around 1860)
The Paynesche Kunstanstalt around 1900, middle of the former Gothic house

Payne came to Germany at a young age. From 1839 he worked as a steel engraver, painter and illustrator in Leipzig. In 1845 he founded the publishing house Englische Kunstanstalt with E. T. Brain , which he took over alone in 1846. It was one of the first companies in the printing industry to settle in the graphic quarter of Leipzig.

In 1861 Payne bought the four to five hectares of the Great Cake Garden and had the so-called Gothic House built on it. The new house, later expanded and remodeled, became the seat of the English Art Institute, which his son later continued as a publishing house. The Payne publishing house was only deleted from the commercial register in 1952. The old house on the corner of Tauchauer Strasse and Mittelstrasse (today: Rosa-Luxemburg-Strasse / Hans-Poeche-Strasse) existed until the mid-1990s. It had to give way to a new building, which today stretches from Hans-Poeche-Straße to Listplatz.

The publishing house of the English Art Institute A. H. Payne dedicated itself to steel and copper engraving , published illustrated family journals and calendars as well as music . The Payne's kleine Partitur-Ausgabe series was sold to Eulenburg Musikverlag in 1892 .


Payne made a bird's eye view of Bremen and two steel engravings from Bremen and Bremerhaven , which were based on drawings by the Hamburg painter and lithographer Johann Heinrich Sander (1810–1865) and which were carried out in 1841 by Theodor von Kobbe (1798–1845) in his book Walks an der North and Baltic Seas were recorded. He also made twenty steel engravings of Leipzig around 1840.

Magazines published by AH Payne


Web links

Commons : Albert Henry Payne  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. State Archive in Leipzig, inventory 21075 A. H. Payne / ash-Verlag GmbH, Leipzig
  2. Hikes on the North and Baltic Seas Theodor von Kobbe and Wilhelm Cornelius