Albert Naef

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Albert Naef (born November 10, 1862 in Lausanne ; † January 8, 1936 there ) was a Swiss architect and preservationist .


Albert Naef was born as the son of the lawyer Paulin Naef and his wife Marie. Ryhiner and the great-grandson of the mathematician and astronomer Emmanuel Develey (1764–1839). He studied at the Polytechnic in Stuttgart and at the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris . At first he worked as an architect and archaeologist in France. He returned to Switzerland and worked as an architect from 1897 to 1934 on the restoration of the moated castle Chillon .

From 1899 to 1934, Albert Naef was the first head of the Vaudois preservation of monuments and thus the first canton archaeologist in Switzerland. He made an inventory of the art monuments in Vaud. From 1905 to 1915 he was president of the Association for the Preservation of Patriotic Art Monuments and in 1915 of the Federal Commission for the Preservation of Monuments . As an archaeologist, Albert Naef led numerous excavations, including in Martigny , with the archaeologist Louis Bosset in Aventicum ( Avenches ) and in Orbe .

From 1909 Albert Naef was Professor of Art History at the University of Neuchâtel and from 1914 to 1932 Associate Professor of Archeology and from 1929 of Art History at the University of Lausanne .

Naef was involved in numerous restorations, such as those of the churches of the Romainmôtier Monastery , the Payerne Abbey , in Saint-Sulpice VD , Donatyre (1905–1907) and the former chapel of the Papal Swiss Guard in the Vatican .

Naef was murdered in Lausanne in 1936.



  • Claire Huguenin: Naef, Albert. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  • Claire Huguenin: La cheville ouvrière du projet, Albert Naef (1862-1936). Jalons biographiques. In Autour de Chillon, archeology and restoration au début du siècle. sous la dir. de Denis Bertholet, Olivier Feihl, Claire Huguenin. Lausanne, 1998, pp. 55-59.
  • Nott Caviezel : Of Wealth and Diversity, 100 Years of the Federal Commission for the Preservation of Monuments. In: Kunst + Architektur 2/2015, pp. 6–13.
  • Kathrin Gurtner: Naef - Durrer - Zemp. In: Kunst + Architektur 2/2015, pp. 34–41.

Web links

Commons : Albert Naef  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Maurice Meylan: Devely, Emmanuel. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  2. ^ Claire Huguenin, "Albert Naef (1862-1936)", in Autour de Chillon , 1998, p. 59.