Albert Onyembo Lomandjo

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Albert Onyembo Lomandjo CSSp (born July 6, 1931 in Kindu ; † January 11, 2016 ) was a Congolese clergyman and Roman Catholic bishop of Kindu .


Albert Onyembo Lomandjo joined the Congregation of the Holy Ghost in and received on 27 July 1958, the priestly ordination .

Pope Paul VI appointed him Bishop of Kindu on May 17, 1966. The apostolic nuncio in the Democratic Republic of the Congo , Rwanda and Burundi , Archbishop Émile André Jean-Marie Maury , donated him episcopal ordination on December 11 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were Aloys Mulindwa Mutabesha Mugoma Mweru , Archbishop of Bukavu , and Gustave Joseph Bouve CSSp, Bishop of Kongolo .

On January 17, 1978 Pope Paul VI. his early resignation.

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predecessor Office successor
Jean Fryns CSSp Bishop of Kindu
Paul Mambe Mukanga