Albert Rauch (priest)

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Albert Rauch (born September 10, 1933 in Pfaffenberg ; † January 10, 2015 in Etterzhausen ) was a German Roman Catholic priest who was particularly committed to relations with the Orthodox churches.


Albert Rauch studied from 1952 to 1959 at the Gregoriana in Rome, where he was a member of the Collegium Germanicum from 1952 to 1959 and of the Collegium Russicum from 1949 to 1961 . On October 10, 1958, he was ordained priest for the diocese of Regensburg in Rome . From 1961 to 1962 he worked as a chaplain in St. Johannes in Dingolfing and from 1962 to 1965 in Herz-Jesu in Weiden . From 1965 to 1966 he was secretary to Cardinal Josyf Slipyi in Rome. From 1966 to 1972 Rauch was cathedral vicar in Regensburg, from 1969 to 1972 student pastor in Regensburg. From 1972 until his death he was an expositus in Etterzhausen.

Albert Rauch has been particularly concerned with ecumenical relations with the Orthodox churches since his studies . From 1966 to 2001 he was the managing director of the Churches of the East working group of the Ecumenical Commission of the German Bishops' Conference , and from 1968 to 2006 adviser to the Ecumenical Commission. From 1966 to 2013 he administered the scholarships of the German Bishops' Conference for Orthodox theology students and clergy of the Orthodox Churches and accompanied the scholarship holders at the Eastern Church Institute in Regensburg , of which he was director from 1972 until his death. He worked closely with Nikolaus Wyrwoll .


Publications (selection)

  • The Incarnation of God from Mary in the work of salvation of the Most Holy Trinity with Cyril of Alexandria . Dissertation Pontificia Universita Gregoriana, Rome 1961


  • Emil Jurcan, Jan Nivolae (Ed.): Who is the Church? 40 years in the dialogue of love. Festschrift for Albert Rauch . Reîntregirea, Alba Iulia 2008, ISBN 978-973-7879-97-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "A sign of lived ecumenism": Scholarship program of the German Bishops' Conference for Orthodox and Oriental-Orthodox theologians . Press release of the German Bishops' Conference of July 19, 2013; Gerhard Feige: Honoring the Prelates Dr. Albert Rauch and Dr. Nikolaus Wyrwoll at the symposium on the continuation of the grant work of the German Bishops' Conference for Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox theologians on July 19, 2013 in Paderborn .