Aleksandre Khachanashvili

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Aleksandre Khachanashvili

Aleksandre Solomonis dse Chachanaschwili ( Georgian ალექსანდრე სოლომონის ძე ხახანაშვილი , Russian Александр Соломонович Хаханашвили Alexander Solomonovich Chachanaschwili , Russified Хаханов Chachanow * 1866 in Gori , † 1912 ) was a Georgian - Russian historian , philologist , and university professor .


Khachanashvili graduated from the 1st grammar school in Tbilisi and then studied at the historical - philological faculty of Moscow University with graduation in 1888. His teachers were Vladimir Ivanovich Guerrier , Pawel Gavrilowitsch Winogradov and Vasily Osipovich Kljuchevsky .

From 1889 Khachanashvili held lectures on Georgian language and literature at the Lazarev Institute for Oriental Languages in Moscow . His first printed works in Georgian dealt with Georgian folk poetry and serfdom in Georgia before it was incorporated into the Russian Empire (Tbilisi, 1890). His studies on the history of Georgian literature became his main work, which appeared in Russian in 1895 (with further editions in 1897, 1902 and 1906). He researched ancient Georgian manuscripts in Georgia , Italy , France and England . He has also published works in French and German .

In addition to his academic work, Khachanashvili was a teacher of history and Russian literature at girls' high schools in Moscow and held talks on topics from 19th century Russian literature. He was one of the authors of the Brockhaus-Efron . In his work he always emphasized the great cultural and historical significance of the unification of Georgia with Russia. In 1900 Khachanashvili became a private lecturer in Georgian language and literature at Moscow University. In 1901 he was elected to the Imperial Russian Archaeological Society and in 1907 to the Georgian Society for History and Ethnography.

Individual evidence

  1. Хаханов (Александр Соломонович) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . tape XXXVII , 1903, pp. 128 ( s: ru: ЭСБЕ / Хаханов, Александр Соломонович [accessed August 2, 2018]).
  2. Хаханов Александр Соломонович (accessed August 2, 2018).
  3. Khachanow A .: Очерки по истории грузинской словесности . Moscow 1895.
  4. Φυσιολογος en traduction géorg. 1898.
  5. La situation des arméniens dans le royaume de Géorgie . In: Journ. Asian. 1898.
  6. Histoire de Géorgie . 1900.
  7. About the present state of the Greek philology . In: Wiener Zeitschr. fd customer d. Morning tape VII .
  8. ↑ A Georgian fragment of the Kalilag u. Dimnag . In: Wiener Zeitschr. fd customer d. Morning tape XIV .