Alexander Alexandrovich Inostranzew

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Inostranzew (1882)
Inostranzew (1901)

Alexander Alexandrovich Inostranzew (including Alexander von Inostranzeff ; Russian Александр Александрович Иностранцев * July 12, jul. / 24. July  1843 greg. In Saint Petersburg , † 31 December 1919 in Petrograd ) was a Russian geologist and paleontologist . He had been a corresponding member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences since 1901 .


Inostranzew finished his studies at St. Petersburg University in 1867. From 1869 he received his doctorate there in 1873 and was initially an associate professor and then a full professor from 1880. His main work was devoted to geological exploration of the European north of Russia, the Urals and the Caucasus . He was also active in the fields of rock metamorphosis , stratigraphy and paleontology .

In 1867 he was the first to use the microscopic method to study rock types. In 1885 he developed the idea of ​​a comparison microscope . Inostranzew described the settlement site of prehistoric men on the shores of Lake Ladoga (1882). He was also the first to describe the shungite , which he named after the location of the carbon shunga on the west coast of Lake Onega .

He was the initiator of the Geological Museum and the Geological Cabinet at Petersburg University, which, thanks to the numerous exhibits brought by Inostranzew on expeditions, are among the most important collections in Russia. Inostranzew's expeditions led Inostranzew 1872–1875 to the north of Russia and the Olonez governorate , 1875 to the Crimea , 1878 to the Donetsk coal basin, 1881 to the Oryol and Grodno governorates, and in 1890, 1891 and 1893 to the Caucasus and 1892 to the Urals.

From 1877 Inostranzew was chairman of the Russian Society for Geology and Geology and from 1888 also chairman of the Russian Anthropological Society. He was an honorary member of numerous other scientific societies and a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences in Philadelphia.

In addition to his main work Геология. Общий курс ( Geology. A General Course ; Volume 2, 1885–1887) Inostranzew wrote more than 50 scientific papers, some of them in German and French.

Works (selection)

  • Петрографический очерк острова Валамо ( Petrographic Sketch of the Valamo Islands ), 1867.
  • Геогностическе строение западных берегов Ладожского озера ( Geognostic Structure of the West Coasts of Lake Ladago ), 2 volumes, 1869.
  • Геологический обзор местности между Белым морем и Онежским озером ( Geological survey of the area between the White Sea and Onega Sea ), 1876.
  • Investigations on limestone and dolomites as a contribution to the knowledge of metamorphism , Vienna 1872.
  • Геологические исследования на севере России ( The Geological Researches in Northern Russia ), 1872.
  • Заметка об исследовании непрозрачных минералов (Summary of the Research of Opaque Minerals ), 1875.
  • Геологический очерк Повенецкого уезда и его рудных месторождений ( Geological sketch of the Powenez district and its ore deposits ), 1877.
  • Studies of metamorphosed rocks in the Olonez governorate , Leipzig 1879.
  • A new extreme link in the realm of amorphous carbons , 1880.
  • Подразделение каменного века на периоды ( The division of the Stone Age into periods ), 1880.
  • Доисторический человек побережья Ладожского озера ( The prehistoric man on the shores of Lake Ladago ), 1882.
  • Sur la variabilité de la concentration et de la composition des sources minerales ( On the variability of the concentration and composition of mineral sources ), 1883.
  • About a comparison chamber for microscopic examination , 1885.
  • Гнейс - фундамент для Санкт-Петербурга ( Gneiss - the foundation of St. Petersburg ), 1889.
  • Коренное месторождение платины на Урале ( basic occurrence of platinum in the Urals ), 1893.


After Inostranzew a bay (Залив Иностранцева, Saliw Inostranzewa) on the north island of Novaya Zemlya and a number of Gorgonopsia ( Inostrancevia ) are named. The Gora Inostranceva hill in Antarctica also bears his name.


  1. Seibert Wetzlar - comparison microscope
  2. Inostranzeff, A. von: A new outermost link in the series of amorphous carbons . In: New Yearbook for Mineralogy, Geology and Palaeontology (1880), pp. 97–124; as well as: About Shungit, an extreme . In: ibid. (1886), pp. 92–93.

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