Alexander Ivanovich Muralov

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Alexander Ivanovich Muralov ( Russian Александр Иванович Муралов ; born June 21 . Jul / 3. July  1886 greg. In Gretscheskije Roty in Taganrog , † the thirtieth October 1937 in Moscow ) was a Russian agricultural chemist .


Muralov's father Ivan Anastassjewitsch Muralow was a small farmer and died in 1895. Muralov attended high school in Borisoglebsk and Serpukhov , where he joined a Bolshevik organization in 1905 . In 1906 he began studying at Moscow University . In September 1907 he was arrested for revolutionary activities and spent several months in prison. After graduating in 1912, he worked in Ujesd Kaschira in the Tula governorate as a private agronomist and head of the laboratory of the Verkhnedneprovski test field.

In 1915 Muralov went to Serpukhov, where he was elected to the Serpukhov Soviet of Workers' Deputies after the February Revolution in 1917 . After the October Revolution he became chairman of the Bolshevik Committee and the Executive Committee of the Ujesd Alexin . It was in 1919 Gouvernementskriegskommissar of the government of Tula and commander of the Tula fortifications, 1920 Chairman of the Moscow and then the Donetsk Council of National Economy, 1923 Chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod Gouvernementsexekutivkomitees, 1928 Deputy national Commissioner , 1930 People's Commissar of Agriculture of the RSFSR and 1933 vice national commissioner of Agriculture of the USSR .

Muralov was vice-president since 1930 and from 1935 president of the Soviet Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Moscow as successor to Nikolai Ivanovich Wawilows . He was one of the theorists and leaders in the implementation of collectivization in the countryside. He helped prepare the RSFSR's first five-year agricultural development plan . He was the author of many scientific papers on agrochemistry and agriculture. Under his editorship , the first yearbook of agriculture of the USSR was published.

Muralov was a delegate of the IX. and XI.- XVII. Congress of the CPSU and member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Central Executive Committee of the USSR.

Muralov was arrested on June 29, 1937. The War College of the Supreme Court of the USSR sentenced him to the maximum sentence on October 29, 1937 for sabotage and involvement in a counter-revolutionary organization. He was shot dead on October 30, 1937. He was buried in Moscow's Donskoy Cemetery. On June 30, 1956, the War College of the Supreme Court of the USSR rehabilitated him. Muralov's brief successor as President of the Soviet Academy of Agricultural Sciences was Georgi Karlowitsch Meister .

Muralov's older brother was the revolutionary Nikolai Ivanovich Muralov .

A street in Alexin bears the name of Muralov.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e ГУК ТУЛЬСКАЯ ОБЛАСТНАЯ УНИВЕРСАЛЬНАЯ НАУЧНАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА: Муралов Александр Иванович (accessed November 11, 2018).
  2. a b c d Жертвы политического террора в СССР: Муралов Александр Иванович (accessed November 11, 2018).
  3. a b c d e Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences : МУРАЛОВ Александр Иванович (accessed November 11, 2018).
  4. a b c Юлия А. Муралова: О том, что никогда не забудется (accessed November 11, 2018).