Alexandra Grigoryevna Muravyova

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Alexandra Muravyova in the year of death

Alexandra Grigorievna Murawjowa ( Russian Александра Григорьевна Муравьёва * 1804 , † 22. November 1832 in Peter Hut , Oblast Chita ), born Countess Chernyshova, followed her husband, the Decembrists Nikita Muravyov , in the Siberian exile and died there.


Nikolai Alexandrowitsch Bestuschew around 1828: View of the Ostrog Tschita

Together with her sisters, Alexandra received an excellent education from private tutors. On February 22, 1823 she married Nikita Muravyov. As a Decembrist, her husband was sentenced to twenty years in Katorga with subsequent settlement in Siberia for life. In the autumn of 1826 she was allowed to follow her husband to Siberia. Alexandra had to leave her three small children behind in the European part of Russia. On the way, Alexandra went to the salon of Princess Sinaida Volkonskaya in Moscow and met Pushkin there . The poet gave her his poem letters to Siberia with her on the trip. It went to Irkutsk and then on and on. In February 1827 she reached the Ostrog Tschita . Alexandra quartered in the house of a Cossack, which was very close to the prison. From there she could watch the prisoners - for example three lieutenants: Frolov and the Belyayev brothers.

Nikita Muravyov's mother had inherited significant funds from her father Fyodor Mikhailovich Kolokolzow and was able to support the couple financially. Thus Alexandra had the means to care for the sick.

Two of her daughters, born in Peter-Hütte, died in 1831. Alexandra fell ill in September 1832. Maria Wolkonskaja remembers the death of her friend Alexandra: “After she had fulfilled her Christian duties like a saint, she devoted herself only to her husband, the she comforted and encouraged. She died like a soldier at her post. "


While in exile, Alexandra and Princess Maria Volkonskaya became friends. The latter writes: "She [Alexandra] had a passionate heart, from all her actions spoke a noble disposition ..."


  • Ekaterina Nikitichna (March 16, 1824 to 1870),
  • Michail Nikititsch (1825 to 1828),
  • Jelisaveta Nikitichna (March 13, 1826 to May 7, 1844),
  • Sofja Nikitichna (March 15, 1829 to April 7, 1892),
  • Olga Nikititschna (December 11, 1830 to 1831),
  • Agrafena Nikitichna (born and died 1831).


  • Father: Count Grigori Ivanovich Tschernyschow, real privy councilor, cupbearer and large landowner (January 30, 1762 to January 2, 1831),
  • Mother: Countess Jelisaveta Petrovna Tschernyschowa (April 9, 1773 to February 28, 1828),
  • Grandfather: General Field Marshal Count Ivan Grigoryevich Tschernyschow (November 24, 1726 to February 26, 1797),
  • Brother: Count Sachar Tschernyschow (1796 to 1862).


  • Princess Maria Volkonskaya : Memories. Title of the Russian original: Записки княгини М. Н. Волконской. Epilogue, notes and translated into German by Lieselotte Remané . Re-seals: Martin Remané. Buchverlag Der Morgen, Berlin 1978 (1st edition, 168 pages)

Web links

Commons : Alexandra Grigoryevna Muravyova  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files
  • May 7, 2008: Contribution to
  • March 15, 2012, Kasimira Prutkowskaja: Post at (Russian)
  • Entry at


  1. Alexandra's decision to travel to Siberia has consequences. As the wife of an "exiled prisoner", she loses her aristocratic privileges. Children whom she gives birth in Siberia become state property as serfs . She is not allowed to bring money into Siberia. She is not allowed to take her serfs with her as far as Chita. (Volkonskaya, p. 41, 9th Zvu)
  2. ↑ With the money from her mother-in-law, Alexandra has a house built opposite her husband's prison in Peter-Hütte (Wolkonskaja, p. 101, 8. Zvo and p. 103, 15. Zvo). (Volkonskaya, p. 99, 10th Zvu)
  3. Maria Wolkonskaja states that the time when Alexandra began to become ill was six months after the birth of her son Michail (Russian: Michail Sergejewitsch Wolkonski ). (Volkonskaya, p. 108, 13. Zvo)

Individual evidence

  1. Russian Sinaida Alexandrovna Volkonskaya
  2. Wolkonskaja, p. 39 and p. 43, 9. Zvo
  3. Russian Читинский острог
  4. Volkonskaya, p. 72, 2nd Zvu
  5. Russian Беляев, Александр Петрович , Беляев, Пётр Петрович
  6. Volkonskaya, p. 76, 4. Zvo
  7. Russian Колокольцов, Фёдор Михайлович
  8. Volkonskaya, p. 86, 7th Zvu
  9. Volkonskaya, p. 108, 5th Zvu
  10. Volkonskaya, p. 80, 8th Zvu
  11. Russian Чернышёв, Григорий Иванович
  12. Russian Чернышёва, Елизавета Петровна
  13. Russian Чернышёв, Иван Григорьевич
  14. Russian Казимира Прутковская