Alexandra Jakobi

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Alexandra Jakobi, watercolor by Vasili Vereschtschagin (1867)

Alexandra Nikolaevna Jakobi (* April 24 . Jul / 6. May  1841 greg. In Egoryevsk , Ryazan Governorate , Russian Empire ; † 1. December 1918 in Petrograd , RSFSR ) was a Russian writer , journalist , publicist , publisher and feminist . She was a native of Susokolova and was named Tjufjaewa , Jakobi and most recently Peschkowa in her three marriages . She was also known by the pseudonym Toliwerowa .

Life and work

Alexandra Nikolajewna Jakobi worked as a children's book author, journalist and publisher of the children's magazine Igruschetschka (toys) and the magazine Schenskoe delo (women's affairs ). She was also an active feminist and social activist. She was close to the Italian revolutionaries of the 1860s and was a member of the Giuseppe Garibaldi movement . As a Sister of Mercy , she cared for wounded followers of this movement. In 1866 she freed Garibaldi's adjutant Luigi Castellazzo from a Roman prison by invading it in the form of his bride. For this daring act she earned the personal thanks of the Italian revolutionary. Jakobi's biography, full of lively, dramatic events, has been the subject of numerous romanticizations and mythologizations.

She wrote memories about Giuseppe Garibaldi, Franz Liszt and Fyodor Dostoevsky , among others . She was a friend of Nikolai Leskov , with whom she was in long-term correspondence, and appears as a figure in his works. She is also a character in N. Kalma's novel Enchanted Shirt under the name "Warrior Angel". She translated George Sand's fairy tales into Russian and, for the first time, the poems of Mikhail Lermontov and Nikolai Nekrasov into Italian. Around 1860 she entered into a relationship with the artist Valeri Ivanovich Jakobi and later married the Cossack Peschkow. She was a well-known beauty and model for portraits of Valery Jakobi and Vasily Vereshchagin . She was also the grandmother of the famous Soviet archaeologist Tatiana Passek .


  • Толиверова-Пешкова, Александра Николаевна Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона  : в 86 т. (82 т. И 4 доп.) 1890–1907.
  • Корш Е. В. Брызги памяти. - Исторический вестник, 1911, т. 126, No. 10, с. 152-169;
  • Участница восстания Гарибальди. (20 лет со дня смерти А. Н. Пешковой-Толиверовой). - Красная газета, 1938, No. 227, 2 декабря;
  • Невлер В. Е. Русская гарибальдийка. - Работница, 1939, No. 36, с. 13;
  • Лесков Н. С. Собрание сочинений: в 11 т .. - Moscow Гослитиздат, 1956–1958. - 350 000 экз.
  • Игрушечка Русская периодическая печать (1702–1894): Справочник / Сост.
  • Лесков А. Н. Жизнь Николая Лескова По его личным, семейным и несемейным записям и памятям: в 2 т .. - Moscow Худож. лит., 1984. - Volume 2. - 607 с. - (Литературные мемуары). - 75 000 экз.
  • Гарибальди Джузеппе. Джузеппе Гарибальди и его эпоха Мемуары  / Невлер В. Е. - Moscow Наука, 1966. - 468 с. - (Литературные памятники).
  • Ал. Алтаев [Ямщикова М. В.] Памятные встречи. Глава "Шестидесятница". - М., Сов. писатель, 1959, pp. 283–326. - 75,000 экз .;
  • Н. Кальма [А. И. Кальманюк] Заколдованная рубашка. Историческая повесть. - М. Детгиз, 1960. - 304 с .;
  • Толстяков А. П. Издание русской гарибальдийки Книга.
  • Кацнельбоген А. Г. и др. - Общественно-медицинская деятельность А. Н. Tolivery. - Советское здравоохранение, 1981, No. 10, с. 65-69;
  • Каримова Д. - Жизнь посвятившая борьбе. - Вечерняя Казань, 1982, No. 63 (963) 16 марта, с. 3;
  • 150 лет со дня рождения Александры Николаевны Толиверовой. - Знаменательные и юбилейные даты истории медицины 1992 года. Вып. 36 - М. 1992. С. 94;
  • Щиголев И. И. Детская писательница А. Н. Толиверова (Якобий). - Клинцы (Брянск. Обл.): Изд-во Клинц. гор. тип., 2003. - 166 с.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Fiedler: From the world of writers: Character traits and judgments. Diary . Wallstein Verlag, 1996, ISBN 978-3-89244-183-0 ( [accessed on November 11, 2018]).