Alf Metzler

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Alf Metzler (* 1951 in Hann. Münden ) is a German archaeologist specializing in peatland archeology .


Alf Metzler already took part in excavations at the St. Blaise Church in Hann. Münden part. After his military service , he began studying at the Department of Prehistory and Protohistory at the University of Göttingen . His master's thesis , submitted in 1981, dealt with the older Bronze Age in Lower Saxony west of the Weser . He did a two-year traineeship at the Prehistory and Early History Department of the Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum in Wolfenbüttel . In 1983 and 1984 he worked on the Salzgitter- Lobmachtersen settlement from the Roman Empire as part of a research project at the Salder Castle Museum . From 1984 to 1987 worked at the Institute for Monument Preservation (IfD) at the Lower Saxony State Administration Office in Hanover as the forerunner of the Lower Saxony State Office for Monument Preservation . There he inventoried the area of ​​the Central Weser. In 1987 the institute for the preservation of monuments set up the priority program moor archeology, headed by Alf Metzler. His first moor archaeological project was the documentation of the moor path in Aschener Moor in 1988 and 1989 , which he examined again in later years.

With the researcher Hajo Hajen he examined moor paths in the Ipweger Moor . When the bog corpse Moora was found in 2005 in the Uchter Moor , Metzler was in charge of the archaeological field work at the site and focused on researching bog corpses.

In the course of his 25 years of moor archaeological activity until his retirement in 2014, Alf Metzler examined a dozen moor paths. His systematic work contributed to gaining new knowledge about the construction, dating and use of the moor paths.

While working with hobby researchers, Metzler got involved in the Archeology Association in Lower Saxony and set up a working group at the Lohne industrial museum , which was the base for his archaeological field work.

Publications (selection)

  • with Andreas Bauerochse, Regine Ziekur, Rolf Schuricht: Archaeological prospection in Campemoor with the help of ground penetrating radar measurements in: Reports on the preservation of monuments in Lower Saxony , 4/1999, pp. 174–177
  • Neolithic moorland construction in the Dümmerniederung In: Mamoun Fansa , Frank Both, Henning Haßmann (editor): Archeology | Land | Lower Saxony. 400,000 years of history. State Museum for Nature and Man, Oldenburg 2004.
  • with Andreas Bauerochse: Moors as archives of natural and cultural history, the field of moor archeology , in: TELMA - Reports of the German Society for Moor and Peat Studies , Supplement 5, 2015, pp. 93–112 ( online )


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Martin Wein: Moor gives history in: Weser-Kurier from November 6, 2013
  2. Matthias Schulz: Swamp of the Vampires in: Der Spiegel from June 27, 2019