Allan A. Goldstein

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Allan A. Goldstein (born May 23, 1949 in New York City ) is an American film director , screenwriter , film producer and actor .


Goldstein has been a filmmaker since the early 1980s and has been responsible for various TV and feature films. He shot with many well-known actors of the time, including Martin Sheen , John Malkovich , Brad Dourif , Michael Ironside , Leslie Nielsen and Charles Bronson . His best-known films are the thriller Death Wish V , for which he also wrote the screenplay, and the science fiction comedy 2002 - Crazy in Space, budgeted at 45 million US dollars . As a director, he directed more than two dozen productions; seldom does he appear as an author, producer or actor.

Prizes and awards

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ IMDb, Toronto 1988
  2. ^ IMDB, Vancouver 1988