Aloe wrefordii

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Aloe wrefordii
Order : Asparagales (Asparagales)
Family : Grass trees (Xanthorrhoeaceae)
Subfamily : Affodilla family (Asphodeloideae)
Genre : Aloes ( aloe )
Type : Aloe wrefordii
Scientific name
Aloe wrefordii

Aloe wrefordii is a species of aloes in the subfamily of the Affodilla family (Asphodeloideae). Thespecific epithet wrefordii honors the farmer, surveyor and cattle dealer Herbert Wreford-Smith (1890–1962).


Vegetative characteristics

Aloe wrefordii grows stemless and simply or sprouting and then forming small groups. The approximately 24 lanceolate, narrowed leaves form a dense rosette . The cloudy gray-green, occasionally reddish brown tinged, indistinctly lined leaf blade is about 60 centimeters long and 15 centimeters wide. There is a reddish brown thorn at its tip . The leaf surface is smooth. The piercing, reddish brown teeth on the leaf margin are 4 millimeters long and 10 to 15 millimeters apart. The leaf juice dries yellow.

Inflorescences and flowers

The inflorescence has up to 16 branches and reaches a length of about 120 centimeters. The lower branches are branched again. The dense, almost capped grapes are 5 to 8 inches long and 6 inches wide. The ovate-pointed bracts are 9 millimeters long and 4 millimeters wide. The club-shaped, scarlet or orange-colored flowers are on 16 millimeter long flower stalks . They are 22 millimeters long and narrowed at their base. At the level of the ovary , the flowers are 5 to 6 millimeters in diameter. Above it they are extended to the mouth. Your outer tepals are not fused together over a length of 13 millimeters. The stamens and the pen stand out 3 to 5 millimeters from the flower.

Systematics and distribution

Aloe wrefordii is common in Kenya , Sudan and Uganda in the stony thorn bush and on exposed rocky slopes at heights of 950 to 1430 meters.

The first description by Gilbert Westacott Reynolds was published in 1956.



Individual evidence

  1. Gideon F. Smith, Colin C. Walker, Estrela Figueiredo: What's in a name: epithets in Aloe L. (Asphodelaceae) and what to call the next new species. In: Bradleya . Volume 28, 2010, p. 102.
  2. ^ Journal of South African Botany . Volume 22, number 3, Kirstenbosch 1956, pp. 141-143.