Amadou Ousmane

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Amadou Ousmane (born January 1, 1948 in Tibiri , † October 16, 2018 in Niamey ) was a Nigerien journalist and writer .


Amadou Ousmane descended from the traditional rulers of Aréoua , who trace their origins back to the Bornu Empire . He began working as a journalist at the age of 18 and completed relevant training at the Center de formation des journalistes and the Institut français de presse in Paris . He wrote for the daily Le Sahel published by the Nigerien State Office National d'Édition et de Presse (ONEP) and its weekly magazine Sahel Dimanche (both of which initially appeared under different names) and created popular columns such as la lettre d'Aïcha and les propos d'Arbi . He also worked as a court reporter.

After the fall of the First Republic under President Hamani Diori and the takeover of the Supreme Military Council in 1974, the new head of state Seyni Kountché made Amadou Ousmane his personal press attaché. In 1977 Ousmane published his first novel 15 ans, ça suffit! , in which he - not without propaganda impetus - accused the corruption during the First Republic. The novel was filmed under the title Pétanqui by Kozoloa Yéo . Ousmanes next literary publications, the novel Le nouveau juge (1985) and the collection of stories Chronique judicaire (1987), were directly influenced by his experiences as a court reporter. After Kountché's death in 1987, Amadou Ousmane worked for a short time as a press attaché at the Nigerian embassy in Paris and as a communications advisor for Amadou Cheiffou, who was in office from 1991 to 1993 . In his novels L'honneur perdu (1993) and Le témoin gênant (1994) he dealt with the current democratization processes in Niger. Finally, in 1995, he was appointed General Director of ONEP.

In a military coup in 1996, the officer Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara came to power. Ousmane compared Maïnassara and the fascinating kountché in his essay L'Itinéraire (1996) and was appointed Deputy Head of Cabinet of the Maïnassara government. He also worked as general director of the Nigerien press agency Agence Nigérienne de Presse (ANP), worked as a freelance communications consultant and wrote for foreign print media, for a long time under the pseudonym Ali Biyo for the magazine Jeune Afrique . Maïnassara died in 1999 and Amadou Ousmane's further career became increasingly international. He worked as a communications officer for the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs , initially in Niger and later in Burundi . He became head of the publications department of the United Nations Mission in Burundi , followed by his role as spokesman for the United Nations Integrated Burundi in Burundi . In 2011 he retired from the United Nations . Ousmane then went to Togo on behalf of the African Development Bank , and finally, back in Niger, worked until 2013 as an advisor to the President of the National Assembly, Hama Amadou .

Amadou Ousmane died on October 16, 2018 at the age of 70 and was buried in the Muslim Cemetery of Yantala in Niamey.


  • 15 ans, ça suffit! Nouvelles Editions Africaines, Dakar 1985, ISBN 2-7236-0964-2 (first edition: Imprimerie Nationale du Niger, Niamey 1977).
  • Le nouveau juge . Nouvelles Editions Africaines, Dakar 1985.
  • Chronique judicaire . Imprimerie Nationale du Niger, Niamey 1987.
  • L'honneur perdu . Nouvelle Imprimerie du Niger, Niamey 1993.
  • Le témoin gênant . MEDIS, Niamey 1994.
  • Amadou Ousmane présente Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara: l'Itinéraire . Niamey 1996.
  • Kountché par ses proches . Nouvelle Imprimerie du Niger, Niamey 1997.



  • Jean-Dominique Pénel: Journaliste et romancier, A. Ousmane . In: Marie-Clotilde Jacquey (ed.): Littérature nigérienne (=  Notre librairie . No. 107 ). CLEF, Paris 1991, p. 128-130 .
  • Jean-Dominique Pénel, Amadou Maïlélé: Littérature du Niger. Rencontre . Volume II: Barkiré Alidou, Marcel Inné, Hima Adamou, Djibo Mayaki, Alhassane Danté, Soli Abdourhamane, Amadou Ousmane, Albert Issa, Boubé Zoumé, Idé Adamou. L'Harmattan, Paris 2010, ISBN 978-2-296-12859-0 , chap. Amadou Ousmane , S. 111-143 .

Individual evidence

  1. Djibril Baré: In memoriam! Amadoua Ousmane, Communicant, Ecrivain, Poète, Essayiste… .. In: Niger Diaspora. October 19, 2018, accessed October 21, 2018 (French).
  2. ^ A b c d e Walter Issaka: Rencontre avec Amadou Ousmane. In: Fofo Mag. June 1, 2017, accessed on October 21, 2018 (French).
  3. a b c d e Décès ce jour de Amadou Ousmane, journalist, écrivain: une immense perte pour le Niger. In: Tamtam Info. October 16, 2018, accessed October 21, 2018 (French).
  4. a b c A.YB: Nécrologie: le journaliste et écrivain Amadou Ousmane n'est plus! In: ActuNiger. October 17, 2018, accessed October 21, 2018 (French).
  5. a b c d Abdourahmane Idrissa, Samuel Decalo: Historical Dictionary of Niger . 4th edition. Scarecrow, Plymouth 2012, ISBN 978-0-8108-6094-0 , pp. 59 .
  6. Communiqué de décès: M. Amadou Ousmane, Journaliste-écrivain, survenu à Niamey on October 16, 2018. In: Niger Diaspora. October 17, 2018, accessed October 21, 2018 (French).