Amand grains

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Amand Körner (born May 16, 1940 in Horn ) is a mineral collector and a local researcher from Lower Austria .

He comes from an old Horner family. The trained carpenter practiced this profession at the Horner company J. Steiner . In December 1961 he moved to the Bundesgymnasium Horn , where he worked until his retirement in June 2000 as a school caretaker and later as the operator of the school buffet. He was very popular with both the teaching staff and the students.

His father Rudolf Körner was a close colleague of Josef Höbarth . He did a great job of founding and expanding the Höbarthmuseum in Horn. Son Amand took over the inheritance. He has been a permanent member of the Museum Association of the City of Horn since 1954, a member of the committee since 1967 and deputy chairman since 1997. Through his collecting activities, the museum's prehistoric and early historical collection was expanded. Above all, however, he is responsible for the mineral collection, which has gained special importance over the decades - above all through annual special exhibitions.

Through his targeted prospecting , collecting and excavation activities , Körner became the best expert on the mineralogical conditions of the Waldviertel . He made first discoveries for Lower Austria from Japanese twins ( Neupölla ) and from corundum ( Drosendorf-Zissersdorf ). The quartz crystal finds from Äpfelgschwendt near Allentsteig became famous .

The results of the collection were presented to the public in exhibitions in Allentsteig Castle and the Höbarthmuseum in Horn in 1995. Körner published some technical articles about it in the journal MEFOS .

Körner is also the initiator of the special exhibition "Wonderful World of Crystals", which was held in 1976 in the Höbarthmuseum. He is in close contact with scholars at home and abroad and is a freelance researcher at the Institute for Mineralogy at the University of Vienna and at the Natural History Museum in Vienna .


  • Hermann Maurer : Amand Körner on his 60th birthday. In: The Waldviertel. 49, 2000, pp. 453f.