Office Volmarstein

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The office of Volmarstein was an office in the district of Hagen (until 1929) and in the Ennepe-Ruhr district (until 1970).

The office was established as the mayor of Volmarstein in 1817 as the successor to Mairie Volmarstein in the canton of Schwelm in the arrondissement of Hagen in the Ruhr department of the French-occupied Grand Duchy of Berg . It had its roots in the Brandenburg Free County of Volmarstein, which has existed since the Middle Ages .

Prussia provisionally administered the Grand Duchy after the French had withdrawn in the Generalgouvernement of Berg before it was finally granted the area at the Congress of Vienna . After the founding of the Province of Westphalia , Prussia introduced its administrative structures. The mayor's office in Volmarstein was initially assigned to the district of Hagen .

In 1844 the mayor's office was converted into an office. The office included the rural communities ( farmers ) Asbeck , Berge , Esborn , Grundschöttel , Silschede , Wengern and the titular community of Volmarstein . In 1929 the district of Hagen was dissolved and the office was succeeded by the Ennepe-Ruhr district.

The office was dissolved with effect from January 1, 1970. Asbeck, Berge and Silschede went to Gevelsberg , Esborn, Grundschöttel, Wengern and Volmarstein to Wetter (Ruhr) .

Individual evidence

  1. Martin Bünermann: The communities of the first reorganization program in North Rhine-Westphalia . Deutscher Gemeindeverlag, Cologne 1970, DNB  456219528 .