Anacampseros rufescens

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Anacampseros rufescens
Anacampseros rufescens3 ies.jpg

Anacampseros rufescens

Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Anacampserotaceae
Genre : Anacampseros
Type : Anacampseros rufescens
Scientific name
Anacampseros rufescens
( Haw. ) Sweet

Anacampseros rufescens is a species of plant in the genus Anacampseros from the family Anacampserotaceae . The specific epithet rufescens comes from Latin and means 'fox-red shimmering'.


Anacampseros rufescens grows compact, clump-shaped with densely leafy rosettes , reaches heights of growth of 5 to 8 centimeters and arises from a bulbous, thickened rhizome . The obovate to lanceolate, slightly bent back, pointed, warty leaf blade is 20 millimeters long, 10 millimeters wide and almost 4 millimeters thick. It is almost flat on the green upper side and convex on the purple underside. The leaf axils have clearly recognizable hair and some bristles.

The inflorescence reaches a length of 10 centimeters. It bears two to four flowers 2 to 3 centimeters in diameter. Their broad, egg-shaped petals are carmine-colored. There are 30 to 45 stamens available. The D-shaped, white enveloped, non-winged seeds are covered with rounded warts.

The number of chromosomes is .

Systematics and distribution

Anacampseros rufescens is common in South Africa in the provinces of Eastern Cape , Free State and KwaZulu-Natal as well as in Lesotho .

It was first described as Ruelingia rufescens in 1819 by Adrian Hardy Haworth . Robert Sweet placed the species in the genus Anacampseros in 1826 .



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Adrian Hardy Haworth: Supplementum Plantarum Succulentarum: Sistens Plantas Novas Vel Nuper Introductas Sive Omissas In: Synopsis Plantarum Succulentarum Cum Observationibus Variis Anglicanis . J. Harding, London 1819, pp. 64-65 (online) .
  2. Sweet's Hortus britannicus . 1st edition, 1826, p. 170 (online) .

Web links

Commons : Anacampseros rufescens  - collection of images, videos and audio files