Andean tuber bean

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Andean tuber bean
Pachyrhizus ahipa seeds.jpg

Andean tuber bean ( Pachyrhizus ahipa )

Order : Fabales (Fabales)
Family : Legumes (Fabaceae)
Subfamily : Butterflies (Faboideae)
Tribe : Phaseoleae
Genre : Yam beans ( Pachyrhizus )
Type : Andean tuber bean
Scientific name
Pachyrhizus ahipa
( Wedd. ) Parodi

The Andine Knoll bean , ahipa ( Pachyrhizus ahipa , Syn. : Dolichos ahipa . Wedd ) is a plant from the genus of the yam bean ( Pachyrhizus ) in the family of the Leguminosae (Fabaceae).

The Andean tuber bean has its origin in the mountainous South America (from the Andes the common German name ), where it was used by the Inca . It thrives at altitudes from 1000 to over 2500 meters and therefore at moderate temperatures. The tubers are mainly eaten, but although they are poisonous, the pods and seeds are also used. Today it is seldom grown.


Pachyrhizus ahipa is a perennial , upright to semi-upright and herbaceous plant that reaches heights of 40 to 60 centimeters, twisting forms are up to about 0.6-2 meters long or high. Unlike the rest of the species in the genus, it is not a climbing plant. They form radish-shaped tubers up to 15 centimeters long as persistence organs and as water reservoirs. However, it is grown as an annual plant because the whole plant is harvested because of the tubers and re-sowing is necessary in the following year. The small, regularly shaped tuber has a yellowish skin, white, fiber-streaked “meat” and weighs between 500 and 800 g.

The stalked leaves are threefold. The entire, mostly pointed leaflets are ovate to broadly triangular and sometimes have an uneven blade. There are Nebenblätter and trained -blättchen.

The short inflorescence is about 4–8 cm long and contains only a few flowers. The hermaphrodite, short-stalked butterfly flowers are zygomorphic . The crown is white or purple.

An approximately 8 to 17 cm long, slightly constricted and briefly tipped legume is formed, which contains red-brown to black or white-black, round, somewhat flattened and smooth seeds with a diameter of about 1 cm.


The tubers are prepared in a variety of ways: raw in salads, boiled and fried . The legumes can only be eaten cooked because this removes the poisonous Rotenone .

Oil can be obtained from the seeds.

Because of their Rotenone content, pulses and seeds are used as insecticides , acaricides and their saponins act as fish poison .


  • TK Lim: Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants. Volume 10: Modified Stems, Roots, Bulbs. Springer, 2016, ISBN 978-94-017-7275-4 , pp. 458-464.
  • Eduardo O. Leidi, DN Rodriguez-Navarro, M. Fernandes, R. Sarmiento, J. Semedo, N. Marques, A. Matos, AP Machado, B. Ørting, M. Sorensen, MC Matos: Factors affecting root and seed yield in ahipa (Pachyrhizus ahipa (Wedd.) Parodi), a multipurpose legume crop. In: European journal of agronomy. Vol. 20 (4), 2004, pp. 395-403, ISSN  1161-0301 .

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