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Andreaea rupestris

Andreaea rupestris

Subdivision : Bryophytina
Class : Andreaeopsida
Subclass : Andreaeidae
Order : Andreaeales
Family : Gapmoose (Andreaeaceae)
Genre : Andreaea
Scientific name

Andreaea (andreaeaceae) is a moss - genus from the family Andreaeaceae . It is named after Johann Gerhard Reinhard Andreae (1724 to 1793), a pharmacist from Hanover .


The klaffmoose are pillow-shaped, reddish, dark brown or blackish, small to medium-sized mosses with short, upright, simple or slightly branched stems. The ovate or lanceolate leaves are gradually or suddenly pointed and have a single or no vein. In the lower section of the stem, the leaflets are small and soon fall off. The leaf cells are often elongated and convex at the base of the leaf, square to rounded and thick-walled in the upper part of the leaf, smooth or papilose. The spore capsule is lifted up by the moss plant with the pseudopodium , it has no peristome and no cover, is brown-red to black, elongated, clearly pointed and opens with mostly 4 longitudinal cracks. The antheridia and archegonia are on different branches of the same plant (autocial), rarely also dioecious ( dioeciousness ), here the archegonia and antheridia are on different plants.


The Klaffmoose are widespread in Arctic, Antarctic ( see: Andreaea Plateau ) and montane areas, mainly in the southern hemisphere. They avoid lime and grow on silicate rock or on sandy soils.


The genus Andreaea is the largest genus within its family Andreaeaceae with around 90 species worldwide, 10 of them in Europe.

The following is a selection of species found in Europe:


Web links

Commons : Andreaea  - collection of images, videos and audio files