Andreas Alexander von Schlichten

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Andreas Alexander Baron von Schlichten (incorrectly also: von Schlichting , * 1728 ; † July 11, 1792 ) was a Prussian major general , leader of a free corps and heir to Schlichtingsheim and Gurschen (Fraustadt district) and commander of Fraustadt .



His parents were the heir of Gurschen Samuel Siegfried von Schlichten († November 20, 1761) and his wife Sybille Constantina, née von Zychlinsky.

Military career

Schlichten went into Polish service in 1750 and rose to the rank of colonel . When tension arose between Protestants and Catholics in Poland , the Thorn Confederation and the Targowica Confederation were formed . In 1767 Schlichten was a delegate and was sent to negotiate with the Prussian King Friedrich II . But politics led to the First Partition of Poland in 1772.

In 1778 the War of the Bavarian Succession began and the Polish colonel offered Frederick II to set up a volunteer corps. After some hesitation, the king consented. On December 6, 1778, Schlichten switched to the Prussian service as a colonel and became the commander of his Freikorps, with Prince August Sulkowski as chief. After the end of the war in 1779 the corps was disbanded. The colonel remained in Prussian service and received from July 8, 1779 a tract of 572 thalers. Nevertheless, Schlichten applied for a use on July 16, but this was rejected. Instead he got the job on July 18, 1779 to advertise in Poland . The use of force remained strictly forbidden, and mediation was paid twenty thalers per person.

On December 1, 1786 he was given the character of major general. On August 22, 1791 he got permission to accept the Polish Order of St. Stanislaus . He died a little later on July 11, 1792.


Schlichten married Ernestine Philippine von der Goltz on June 18, 1751 (* 1735; † December 13, 1771). The later Prussian Major General Karl Anton Xaver Thaddäus von Schlichten (1764–1841) emerged from the marriage and married Henriette Charlotte Friederike Wilhelmine von Braunschweig (1773–1842), the daughter of Christian Friedrich von Braunschweig .

After the death of his first wife, he married Karoline Wilhelmine Elisabeth von Berge and Herrndorf on April 12, 1780 (* October 23, 1764; † March 2, 1823). The couple had several children including:

  • Henriette Helene Karoline (born January 6, 1782; † 1845)
I. ⚭ April 4, 1797 (divorce 1807) Count Hans Friedrich Bernhard von Schweinitz , Baron von Kauder (September 25, 1771; † January 30, 1848)
II. ⚭ NN Canabäus
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Rudolf Alexander (February 20, 1787 - November 16, 1787)

The widow married Freiherr Melchior Gotthardt von Dyherrn on October 7, 1795 (* August 10, 1753, † April 22, 1812).


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Journal of Art, Science, and the History of War. Volume 25, p. 54. The strength and composition of the army of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1782 and 1830
  2. Ruebezahl: the Silesian Provincial leaves, Volume 25, pp 388th
  3. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the count's houses. Volume 33, 1860, p. 739.
  4. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the baronial houses. 1870, p. 184.