Andreas Gefe

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Andreas Gefe (born July 16, 1966 in Küssnacht SZ ) is a Swiss comic artist , illustrator and freelance painter. He lives and works in Zurich . He himself plays football for “Traktor Emilie”, a team named after Emilie Lieberherr , and names heavy metal music like Iron Maiden's as a preference.


Gefe attended the Lucerne School of Design and initially designed mainly posters and short comic stories.

His debut "Madame Lambert" was created in collaboration with the American crime novelist Jerome Charyn and tells a story about the Parisian painter Antoine, who is embroiled in a dark intrigue surrounding the rich, seductive industrialist wife Madame Lambert. "This means that Gefe is moving straight into the top comic league," praised the media.

From 1997 to 2002 he regularly illustrated “Geri Weibel” stories by Martin Suter in the NZZ Folio .

In 2002 "My Brother Flo" was released. The thriller tells of the tragic endings of two naive brothers from the country - one is black, the other white - into the city. This work also appeared like the first in France.

From 2002 to 2004 Gefe illustrated the “Diary” section in Weltwoche , from 2003 to 2004 the comic “Happy End” appeared regularly in VIA, SBB's customer magazine , and in 2004 he was the first comic artist to be awarded a work year by the City of Zurich.

In 2006 “The Song of the Generals” was published, again a collaboration with José-Luis Bocquet. The political thriller is based on historical facts and focuses on the Greek military dictatorship . When a group of conservative military officials seized power in 1967, a Greek filmmaker was forced into exile in Paris. There he is planning a film about the regime with Melina Mercouri while his wife is arrested and tortured at home. “Impressive”, “with a harmonious atmosphere” and “exciting discussions about exile, torture and the possibilities of film to address such issues” write the media and judge “Gefe has never been so confident in drawing and atmosphere (...) when that Album leaves an ambivalent impression, it is more due to Bocquet's scenario ”. The comic is "highly complex and yet understandable, highly exciting and yet also deeply poetic".

From 2008 until 2009 he illustrated the serial novel “Doppelpass” by Charles Lewinsky , the story of an illegal immigrant and his brother, who quickly became a football star in Switzerland, in Die Weltwoche weekly . Since October 2010 he has published “two times two” in züritipp with Lewinsky as the author. These drawings form the basis for Gefe's new volume, which was published in 2011.

Illustrations by Andreas Gefe have appeared in: NZZ Folio , Facts , Das Magazin , SonntagsZeitung , Tages-Anzeiger , Beobachter , Bilanz , SonntagsBlick , Le Temps , among others . He also designs posters, for example for Karl's kühne Gassenschau and CD covers.


Gefe uses the monotype technique and colors on the computer, but he also works in acrylic. “I see myself as an artist, because my work spectrum is extensive and not limited to comics. It also includes illustrations, ”says Gefe, who now also paints freely.“ I like his dark style, ”is how Jerome Charyn describes him. “Objective drawing has always been closer to me than abstraction,” adds Gefe, who often shows disproportionately large faces because “I love faces”. Gefe has developed an independent style “which, not least thanks to the idiosyncratic and grainy color scheme, subtly conjures up moods and nuances”.


  • Guillaume Tell revient , Genève 1991 (anthology).
  • Alice in Wonderland , Edition Moderne , Zurich 1992 (anthology).
  • Madame Lambert (with Jérome Charyn), Arrache Cœur, Zurich 1997, ISBN 3-907055-03-9 . French: Madame Lambert , Editions du Masque, Paris 1998.
  • Aufgekratzt , Edition Moderne, Zurich 1997 (anthology).
  • La BD du 3ème , Lausanne 1999 (anthology).
  • Biceps and flambéed cars , Lucerne 2000.
  • My brother Flo (with José-Luis Bocquet), Arrache Cœur, 2002, ISBN 978-3-907055-61-8 . French: Frères de Lait, Paris, Editions Proust 2003.
  • The song of the generals (with José-Luis Bocquet), Edition Moderne, Zurich 2006, ISBN 3-03731-001-4 .
  • Two times two (with Charles Lewinsky ), Edition Moderne, Zurich 2011, ISBN 978-3-03731-084-7 .

Exhibitions (selection)

There are also group and solo exhibitions in Zurich, Paris, Geneva, Angoulême, Krakow and Villingen-Schwenningen.


  • 1996 Swiss Federal Prize for Applied Arts
  • 1997 Studio grant Krakow, Poland (Swiss Federal Office of Culture)
  • 1999 Prize of the W. Wirz Foundation, Basel
  • 2004 Comic Work Year of the City of Zurich
  • 2004 Prize of the W. Wirz Foundation, Basel
  • 2006 studio grant Berlin, Germany (Canton Schwyz)
  • 2009/10 studio grant London, UK (Landis & Gyr cultural foundation)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "Gefe Diary". World Week, September 1, 2004
  2. a b "Two soul mates and their comic crime novel". Sunday newspaper, April 13, 1997
  3. a b “The storyteller of pictures”. Daily newspaper of the city of Zurich. 12/04
  4. "Comic". NZZ on Sunday, April 9, 2006
  5. "Exile, Art and Life". Neue Luzerner Zeitung, March 31, 2006
  6. ^ "Greek History as a Drawn Film". Tages-Anzeiger, March 31, 2006
  7. a b "Torturers and Exiles". The Federal Government, April 18, 2006
  8. "Poetic High Tension". FACTS, March 30, 2006
  9. “There is now a new platform for comic artists” “.ch”, Lucerne edition, February 10, 2009
  10. “Comics are folk art”. FACTS, 15/2002
  11. Hannes Nüsseler: A violent afterglow. WOZ, May 3, 2018, accessed September 2, 2018 .