Andreas Meschutar

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Andreas Meschutar , slow. Mešutar Andrej, (born November 17, 1791 in Selo, Ljubljana , Krain ; † December 15, 1865 in Baden near Vienna), Austrian priest, teacher and civil servant, royal court councilor, cathedral choirmaster and honorary canon of Trieste , titular provost of Ardagger (1836) , Titular Bishop of Sardika (1853), Section Head in the Ministry of Culture and Education until retirement in 1860.


Andreas Meschutar completed the grammar school and the philosophical classes in Ljubljana and then entered the seminar there to study theology. He also studied French, so that in 1812/13, when Illyria was occupied by the French, he was employed in the episcopal chancellery as an interpreter for negotiations with the French. In 1814 he was ordained a priest and in the same year he was a religion teacher at the Laibach normal secondary school; In 1817 he became the director and professor of catechetics and pedagogy for the theologians of the fourth year, in 1824 cathedral choirmaster at the cathedral church in Trieste and general school inspector for the coastal dioceses, in 1830 finally gubernial councilor and student advisor in Trieste.

1835 Hofrat at the united court chancellery and assessor of the study court commission and in judicial law matters, he became section head in the ministry for culture and education in the same year. In 1860 he retired. His services were recognized by several awards: in 1836 titular provost of Ardagger and in 1853 titular bishop of Sardika , as well as honorary doctorates from several universities.

Meschutar was a benefactor of the poor and regularly supported destitute students from his homeland with substantial sums of money, so that despite his high income and his ascetic way of life, there was no significant estate after his death.
