Andreas Odenwald

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Andreas Odenwald (born May 3, 1854 in Gölshausen ; † October 16, 1941 in Pforzheim ) was a Baden entrepreneur and politician .

The manufacturer , born in Gölshausen in Baden (today a district of Bretten in the Karlsruhe district), was a member of the Baden state parliament in Karlsruhe from 1908 to 1918 and the first state parliament of the republic for the German Democratic Party (DDP) .

Odenwald was one of the founders of the general gold and silver refinery , which was entered in the commercial register as a stock corporation on February 20, 1891 and was set up to recover precious metals from production waste.


  • Marlis Lippik: Odenwald, Andreas, factory owner , MdL -DDP: * 3.5.1854 Gölshausen near Bretten, ev., † 16.10.1941 Pforzheim . In: Baden Biographien , New Series, Volume 4. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-17-010731-3 , p. 218 f.
  • Hans-Peter Becht: Andreas Odenwald (1854–1941). Memories of a factory owner and politician . In: Pforzheimer Geschichtsblätter Volume 9, Pforzheim 1999 ISBN 3-7995-6160-9 , pp. 94-130.

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