Andreas Stenger

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Andreas Stenger (born February 27, 1963 in Homburg ) is a German policeman and police chief of Mannheim .

Professional background

Andreas Stenger joined the Federal Border Police in 1981 and joined the Baden-Württemberg Police in 1988 . He graduated in the following years several stations at the police headquarters in Mannheim and rose in 1998 in the upscale service on 2003 in the senior civil service . From 2003 he worked as a consultant in the Ministry of the Interior of Baden-Württemberg , state police headquarters . From 2005 he was in charge of criminal inspections 1 and 4 at what was then the Heidelberg police department. In 2011, he became deputy head, and in 2014 head of the Forensic Institute at the Baden-Württemberg State Criminal Police Office . From 2018 he was acting as Vice President at the State Criminal Police Office in Baden-Württemberg.

On May 1, 2019, he succeeded Thomas Köber as police chief of Mannheim.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rhein-Neckar-Fernsehen (RNF) , April 24, 2019
  2. Mannheimer Morgen of March 20, 2019, page 9, For Stenger, the change is a return .
  3. a b Press release of the Ministry of the Interior, Digitization and Migration Baden-Württemberg from March 19, 2019 "Change of office in presidia" ( online )
  4. Mannheimer Morgen from April 25, 2019, page 9, Interior Minister Thomas Strobl says goodbye to Police Chief Thomas Köber and welcomes his successor Andreas Stenger to Mannheim