Andreas Weber (publicist)

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Andreas Weber 2009

Andreas Weber (born November 4, 1967 in Hamburg ) is a German biologist , biosemiotics , philosopher and publicist .


Weber studied biology with a focus on marine ecology and philosophy in Berlin , Hamburg and Freiburg . It was discussed by Hartmut Böhme (Berlin) and Francisco Varela ( Paris ) about nature as meaning. Attempt of a semiotic theory of the living doctorate.

Weber has been working as a freelance journalist a. a. for taz , Focus , Die Zeit and GEO , later also for Merian (there from 2001 to 2004 as editor), FAZ and Greenpeace magazine . In 2010 he received the German Reporter Prize in the Essay category, and in 2012 the Reportage Prize from the German Nutrition Society (DGE).

In 2007 everything feels. Man, nature and the revolution in the life sciences , a largely poetic and narrative non-fiction book , followed in autumn 2008 by Biokapital. The reconciliation of economy, nature and humanity . In his 2014 book Lebendigkeit. He continues an erotic ecology with the “revolution of the life sciences” begun in Alles geht sich.

Weber is married, has two children and lives in Berlin and Italy.


Andreas Weber Buddha.jpg

Following philosophers such as Jakob Johann von Uexküll or Hans Jonas , the Chilean biologists Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela, but also taking up impulses from the Anglo-Saxon world, Weber advocates overcoming the mechanistic interpretation of life phenomena. Organic existence is described by him as the continuous self- creation of feeling, judgmental and meaning- setting subjects against the background of the possibility of death . Life, as a process of interest in bodily wholeness and development, with the networks it creates, does not go into the analysis of merely object-like processes. In doing so, Weber distinguishes himself from a reductionist popular Darwinism as well as from the concept of intelligent design .

Book publications

In English

Web links