Anja Topf

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Anja Topf

Anja Topf (born May 11, 1968 in Vienna ) is an Austrian actress and radio play speaker .



At the age of 16, Anja Topf began to work on the Viennese theater stages and worked, among other things, at the Raimundtheater in the Singspiel production Im Weiße Rößl . Her high school diploma was followed by an acting training with Susi Nicoletti , Karl Paryla , Maria Becker and Götz Kauffmann , which followed her first engagement at the Munich Volkstheater . Further stations were the Ernst Deutsch Theater and the Winterhuder Fährhaus in Hamburg , the Heilbronn Theater , the Feuchtwangen Cloister Theater and the Theater am Kurfürstendamm in Berlin . For three years she was a permanent member of the Bad Hersfeld Festival , where she received the audience award for her portrayal of Laughing Mary in Shakespeare's Was ihr wollt .

Movie and TV

As a television actress, Anja Topf took on guest roles in a number of German series, including Ein Fall für Zwei , Der Ermittler , Die Strandclique and In allerfreund . Between 1999 and 2004 Anja Topf played the laboratory assistant Veronika Bleibtreu for 142 episodes in the hospital series Alphateam - Die Lebensretter im OP .

Along with Jens Wawrczeck , Herbert Trattnigg and Olaf Kreutzenbeck, Anja Topf is one of the founding members of the ensemble Die Filmausleser , which presents theater plays that have been successfully filmed but forgotten, neglected or unpublished in German-speaking countries.

radio play

In addition to her work as a theater and film actress, Anja Topf has so far been involved in numerous radio play productions, including Bob the Builder , The Three Question Marks and A Case for TKKG .

Private life

Anja Topf lives in Hamburg and is the mother of a daughter.

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