Anka Grupińska

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Anka Grupińska , even Anna Grupińska , nee Anna Jakubowska (* 9. November 1956 in Koszalin ), a Polish is non-fiction author , journalist and publicist .


After graduating from high school (Polish Matura ), she studied English at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and was then employed as a teacher for the English language in a grammar school (Polish Liceum ) in Poznan from 1981 to 1982. After her release, she worked as a lecturer for English in a library in Krotoszyn from 1982 to 1984, and from 1984 to 1984 she only gave tutoring lessons without a permanent position. In September 1980 she joined the Solidarność union and in 1983 she was one of the founders of the Solidarność department in Poznan, founder of the illegal magazine Czas Kultury and popular magazines such as Czas , Czas Kultury and Veto .

She held talks with the survivors of the Warsaw ghetto uprising - in 1985 the magazine Czas published her interview with Marek Edelman , one of the leaders of the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto . In the years 1988–1989 she traveled to Israel and documented the experiences of contemporary witnesses of the Holocaust . In 1999, her book on the situation and fate of Hasidic women in Israel was published in Warsaw . She was one of the signatories of the letter to the Ukrainian society (List do społeczeństwa ukraińskiego) of October 25, 2004. In her writings she dedicated herself to the memory of the fighters of the Jewish fighting organization and the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto.

Between 1990 and 1994 she was sent to Tel Aviv-Jaffa as a cultural attachée at the Polish embassy . In 2008 she was awarded the Order of Polonia Restituta (Knight).

Fonts (selection)


  • (Adaptation) Eugenia Szajn-Lewin: W Getcie Warszawskim . Wydawnictwo A5, Poznan 1990.
  • Po kole. Rozmowy z żydowskimi żołnierzami . Alfa, Warsaw 1991.
  • Najtrudniej jest spotkać Lilit. Opowieści chasydzkich kobiet . Jewish Historical Institute (Warsaw) Twój Styl, Warsaw 1999.
  • with Basia Temkin-Bermanowa, Paweł Szapiro: Dziennik z podziemia . Jewish Historical Institute (Warsaw) Twój Styl, Warsaw 2000.
  • Ciągle po kole. Rozmowy z żołnierzami Getta Warszawskiego . Jewish Historical Institute (Warsaw) Twój Styl, Warsaw 2000.
  • Warszawa 1943. Warszawa 1944. Photographer nieznany . Jewish Historical Institute (Warsaw) Twój Styl, Warsaw 2002.
  • with Jan Jagielski, Paweł Szapiro: Getto Warszawskie . Wydawnictwo Parma Press, Marki 2002.
    • Translation Jan and Margit Scharmach: The Warsaw Ghetto . Wydawnictwo Parma Press, Marki 2005, ISBN 978-8389157553 .
  • Odczytywanie listy. Opowieści o powstańcach żydowskich . Wydawnictwo Literackie, Krakow 2003.
  • with Joanna Wawrzyniak: Buntownicy. Polskie lata 70. i 80. Świat Książki, Warsaw 2011.
  • 12 opowieści żydowskich . (Premiere 2013).


  • with Włodzimierz Filipek (1957–2005), “‹ Don't talk nonsense my child… ›A conversation with Marek Edelman” [“Rozmowa z Markiem Edelmanem”, in: Czas , No. 4/5 (1985); German], Anna Langer (transl.), in: Babylon: Contributions to the Jewish Present , Issue 1 (1986), pp. 92-107. ISSN 0931-6418
  • with Bogna Burska, Goethe-Institut Warsaw: Żydzi Warszawy. The Jews of Warsaw. The Warsaw Jews. 1861-1943 . Jewish Historical Institute (Warsaw) 2003.
  • Pamiętanie Peerelu. Opowieści o wspólnych i indywidualnych sposobach na system. 1956–89 . Warsaw 2006-2007.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Elke Schubert: Anka Grupinska spoke to survivors of the Warsaw ghetto uprising: “Nothing was left” . In: The time . No. 16/1993 ( online ).