Annie Krauss

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Annie Krauss (around 1942)

Annie Krauss (also known as Annie Krauss and Anna Krauss / Krauss) (* May 7, 1879 or more often October 27, 1884 in Bogen ; † August 5, 1943 in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison , Berlin ) was a German clairvoyant and resistance fighter against National Socialism. As a member of the Rote Kapelle group, she was a victim of Nazi war justice .

Live and act

Krauss was a daughter of the East Prussian farmer Johann Friese. Since 1920 she lived in Berlin as the owner of a sewing workshop. From 1936, Krauss, who had completed a commercial apprenticeship in her youth, was the owner of a paint and varnish wholesaler in Berlin. In addition, she was active as a clairvoyant in private since 1930. Libertas Schulze-Boysen has been one of her customers since 1940 . When Schulze-Boysen, together with her husband, Air Force officer Harro Schulze-Boysen , set up the underground resistance group, the Red Orchestra, which was directed against the Nazi regime and which was close to the communist system in Russia, she addressed the request to Krauss to join the group, whereupon they got involved.

From then on, Krauss acted as a supplier, supplying Harro Schulze-Boysen and the other leaders of the Rote Kapelle with secret information - especially military information - that they had come to know in the course of their professional activities: Krauss' customers included numerous officers, the gave her details of upcoming military operations in which she was involved, as part of seancén in which she was supposed to predict their future. The leaders of the Red Orchestra forwarded Krauss' information - like the information from their other suppliers - through underground news channels to Moscow, where it was evaluated and used for the benefit of the Soviet warfare.

In addition, Krauss took part in the actions of the Red Orchestra by making their living room available as a place to set up a printing press with which anti-Nazi leaflets were reproduced.

In the course of the demolition of the Rote Kapelle on September 14, 1942, Krauss was also arrested. She was sentenced to death by the 2nd Senate of the Reich Court Martial, like numerous other members of the group, for undermining military strength and executed on August 5, 1943 in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison by beheading with the guillotine . The execution took place at 7:36 p.m. as part of a serial execution, during which more than a dozen women were executed every three minutes.


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Individual evidence

  1. - ( Memento of the original from September 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. ^ Leopold Trepper : The truth: autobiography of the "Grand Chef" of the Red Orchestra , Freiburg 1995, p. 353.
  3. ^ Victor von Gostomski / Walter Loch: The death of Plötzensee: memories, events, documents, 1942–1944 , 1993, p. 222.