Anno of Sangerhausen

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Anno of Sangerhausen
Grand Master's coat of arms Annos von Sangerhausen

Anno von Sangerhausen (also Hanno; † July 8, 1273 ) was the 10th Grand Master of the Teutonic Order from 1256 to 1273 .


Like many important people from the early days of the Teutonic Order in Prussia , Anno also came from the Thuringian region, probably belonging to a noble family named after the city of Sangerhausen .

Nothing is known about his career before his appointment to the order of Landmaster of Livonia in 1254 . One of his first activities in the order was to help build the order castle of Memel . In 1255 he concluded a protective alliance with the city of Riga and granted the residents rights of use to the nearby Kranjersee. He then took part in the conquest of Samland in 1256 . In the same year, Anno was elected Grand Master of the Teutonic Order in place of the abdicated Poppo von Osterna .

During his tenure, Königsberg was laid out and the Prussian uprising was suppressed in 1272 . Anno set up new commanderies and initiated the settlement of the conquered areas. He made several trips through Europe and to the Popes. He went to monasteries to get them to support the Teutonic Order, and from Pope Urban IV he obtained the indulgence for crusaders on a journey to Prussia . Anno also approached Urban’s successor Pope Clement IV and campaigned for further support for the Crusades to Prussia and Livonia. Since the seat of the order was still in Acre in the years of the year , the Grand Master also took care of matters in the eastern Mediterranean. Thus in 1271 von Sangerhausen concluded a treaty on road tariffs with Little Armenia . He died in 1273 on a trip that took him to Germany.


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Commons : Anno von Sangerhausen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files