Antonio José Saraiva

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António José Saraiva (born December 31, 1917 in Leiria , † March 17, 1993 in Lisbon ) was a Portuguese Romanist and Lusitanist . He was the older brother of the historian, lawyer and minister in the Estado Novo regime, José Hermano Saraiva .

life and work

Saraiva studied in Lisbon. He graduated in 1938 and received his doctorate in 1942 with the thesis Gil Vicente eo fim do teatro medieval (Lisbon 1942). In 1944 he joined the Communist Party of Portugal ( Partido Comunista Português ) (left in 1962) and was a high school teacher from 1946 to 1949. In 1949 he was temporarily arrested for political reasons.

Since he was denied a university career in Portugal , he went to France in 1960 and did research at the Collège de France (with Marcel Bataillon ), then at the Center national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) (from 1966 with Fernand Braudel ). An emigration to Brazil failed in 1964 due to the political conditions there.

From 1970 to 1974 Saraiva was a full professor of Portuguese at the University of Amsterdam . Then he was able to return to Portugal and until his retirement he was professor in Lisbon, first at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa , from 1978 for Romance Philology at the University of Lisbon .

Other works

  • Herculano eo liberalismo in Portugal. Os problemas morais e culturais da instauração do regime , Lisbon 1949, Amadora 1977
  • (with Óscar Lopes ) Historia da literatura portuguesa , Porto 1951, 17th edition 1996
  • Herculano desconhecido 1851-1853 , postage 1953
  • A Inquisição portuguesa , Lisbon 1956
  • (Ed.) Pedro António Correia Garção , Obras completas , 2 vols., Lisbon 1957-1958
  • Luís de Camões , Lisbon 1959
  • (Ed.) Fernão Mendes Pinto , Peregrinação e outras obras , 4 vols., Lisbon 1961–1984
  • Inquisição e cristãos-novos , Porto 1969 (English: T he Marrano Factory. The Portuguese Inquisition and its New Christians 1536-1765 , Leiden / Boston 2001)
  • A Épica medieval portuguesa , Lisbon 1979
  • Filhos de Saturno. Escritos sobre o tempo que passa , Amadora 1980
  • O Discurso ENGENHOSO. Estudos sobre Vieira e outros autores barrocos , São Paulo 1980, Lisbon 1996
  • As Ideias de Eça de Queirós . Ensaio , Amadora 1982
  • Introdução geral à cultura portuguesa , Amadora 1982
  • A Cultura em Portugal 2, Primeira época. A formação , Amadora 1984, 1991
  • O Crepúsculo da Idade Media in Portugal , Lisbon 1988, 1990
  • Teatro de Gil Vicente , Lisbon 1988
  • A tertúlia ocidental. Estudos sobre Antero de Quental , Oliveira Martins , Eça de Queiroz e outros , Lisbon 1990
  • Poesia e drama. Bernardim Ribeiro , Gil Vicente, Cantigas de amigo , Lisbon 1990
  • Estudos sobre a arte d '"Os Lusíadas" , Lisbon 1992
  • História e utopia. Estudos sobre Vieira , Lisbon 1992


  • Dicionário crítico. Texto integral de 1960 com um prólogo de 1983 , Lisbon 1996
  • (with Óscar Lopes and Luís Albuquerque) História da cultura em Portugal 1. Renascimento e Contra-Reforma , Lisbon 2000
  • História da cultura in Portugal 2. Gil Vicente. Reflexo da crise , Lisbon 2000


  • António José Saraiva, O que é a cultura , ed. vov Leonor Curado Neves, Lisbon 1993, 2003 (interview)
  • António José Saraiva, Crónicas, entrevistas, críticas e outros escritos , ed. by Maria José Saraiva., Matosinhos 2004
  • A ntónio José Saraiva e Oscar Lopes. Correspondência , ed. by Leonor Curado Neves, Lisbon 2005

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