Antef III.

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Name of Antef III.
Horus name
D1 Z1
Strong, master of correct (perfect) action
D1 Z1
Lord of correct (perfect) action

Antef III. , also Anjotef, Intef or Jnj-jtj.f is the proper name of an ancient Egyptian king ( pharaoh ) of the 11th dynasty ( Middle Kingdom ), who lived from around 2072 to 2064 BC. Ruled in Upper Egypt .

Origin and family

Antef III. is the son of Antef II and a Neferu. His wife was Jaah , the mother of his successor Mentuhotep II.


Due to the long reign of his father ( stele of Tjetji) Antef III came. probably not to power until old age. According to the Turin Royal Papyrus, he only ruled for about eight years. There is little evidence of politics during his reign. From its origin and the remains of a second stele it can perhaps be concluded that either Antef III. or Mentuhotep II extended the rule to the 16th Upper Egyptian Gau in his first years of reign . The supply of food in Upper Egypt was probably of particular importance, as is noted on the stele of the Tjuti / Idinacht.

Construction activities

Antef III. was buried in Saff el-Baqar , a saff grave (pillar -front grave ), in el-Tarif and built on Elephantine at the Satis temple .



  • Darrell D. Baker: The Encyclopedia of the Egyptian Pharaohs, Volume I: Predynastic to the Twentieth Dynasty (3300-1069 BC). Bannerstone Press, Oakville 2008 ISBN 978-0-9774094-4-0 , pp. 147-148.
  • Thomas Schneider : Lexicon of the Pharaohs . Albatros Verlag, Düsseldorf 2002, p. 76, ISBN 3-491-96053-3
  • Peter A. Clayton: The Pharaohs . Bechtermünz Verlag, Augsburg 1995, p. 73, ISBN 3-8289-0661-3

About the name

  • Jacques Jean Clére and Jacques Vandier: Texts de la Première Période Inter-médiaire et de la XIte dynastie . Bruxelles 1948, § 20.24, § 22, § 23
  • Jürgen von Beckerath : Handbook of the Egyptian king names . Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich-Berlin 1984, pp. 63, 194, ISBN 3-422-00832-2

Questions of detail

  • Dieter Arnold : Graves of the Old and Middle Kingdom in El tariff. Mainz 1976, pp. 33-38, 44-49, 57-59, ISBN 3-8053-0046-8
  • Louise Gestermann: Continuity and Change in Politics and Administration of the Early Middle Kingdom in Egypt. Wiesbaden 1987, p. 29, ISBN 3-447-02728-2
  • Werner Kayser: City and Temple of Elephantine. Fifth excavation report, (information from the German Archaeological Institute, Cairo 31). 1975, p. 46
  • Farouk Gomaá: Egypt during the First Intermediate Period. Wiesbaden 1980, p. 149
  • Detlef Franke : On the chronology of the Middle Kingdom , (Orientalia 57). 1988, p. 134
  • Silke Roth: The royal mothers of ancient Egypt from the early days to the end of the 12th dynasty. Wiesbaden 2001, ISBN 3-447-04368-7

Web links

Commons : Antef III.  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Annual figures based on Wolfgang Helck .
  2. Dieter Arnold: Graves of the Old and Middle Kingdom in El tariff. Mainz 1976, p. 22
predecessor Office successor
Antef II. King of Upper Egypt
11th Dynasty
Mentuhotep II.