Anton Josef Leeb

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Anton Josef von Leeb ( Johann Baptist von Lampi the Younger , 1812)

Anton Josef Edler von Leeb (born June 13, 1769 in Nikolsburg , † December 6, 1837 in Vienna ) was a civil servant and mayor of the city of Vienna.


Leeb came to Vienna at an early age, where he joined the City of Vienna's concept service as Magistrate Secretary in 1793. During the time of the French occupation of Vienna by Napoleonic troops, he earned merit, for example in 1799 as a magistrate, as a member of the sovereign military and civil commission and as a constable. He particularly tried to expand the civil military. In 1810 Leeb was ennobled.

Leeb was appointed mayor through a series of coincidences. In September 1834, Mayor Anton Lumpert was forced to resign. Ignaz Czapka , who was actually intended as his successor, was a protégée of Emperor Franz I , but he died. Thus, under the new Emperor Ferdinand I , Czapka no longer had a chance of an order. As a result, the choice fell on Anton Josef Leeb by means of the highest resolution of March 31, 1835 and government decree of April 7, 1835.

During the short term of office of Leeb, the construction of the Kaiser-Ferdinand-Wasserleitung began.

After his death he was buried in the Währing local cemetery, but in 1886 he was transferred to the Vienna Central Cemetery . There he was given an honorary grave in group 0 number 1. In 1894, Leebgasse in Vienna- Favoriten was named after him.


Web links

Commons : Anton Josef Leeb  - Collection of images, videos and audio files