Anton Kolm

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Memorial plaque to Anton Kolm at the entrance to the Rosenhügel film studios that he founded as Vita Film -Ateliers .

Gustav Anton Kolm (born October 12, 1865 in Vienna , Austrian Empire ; † October 11, 1922 in Vienna, Austria ) was an Austrian photographer who went down in Austrian film history as one of the first film directors and producers .


From 1906, the trained photographer was already making a few short films privately, but they were not yet intended for the cinemas. In 1910 he founded the first Austrian cinema industry together with Jacob Fleck and his wife Luise Kolm , which was renamed the Viennese art film industry a year later and remained the leading production company in Austria-Hungary and later Austria for a long time. While he mainly takes care of the finances and management of the company, and only actively participated in part of the in-house film productions, his wife was responsible for the creative work.

In 1919 he re-founded the Vienna art film industry with his wife and financial support from the deposit bank as Vita-Film . The construction of the Rosenhügel studios began immediately, and they were ready for use even before they were completed in 1923. This film production company produced large projects and monumental films there such as Samson and Delila (1922), but went bankrupt in 1924, like many other European film production companies, due to the enormous competition from American films at that time.

Anton Kolm had a son with Luise, Walter Kolm-Veltée , who himself was active in the film business and, among other things, set up a film academy at the University of Vienna .

He rests in an honorary grave in the Ober Sankt Veiter Friedhof (group C, row 1, number 1) in Vienna, as do Luise (Aloisia) Kolm, Walter Kolm, Jacob Fleck, Louis and Johanna Veltee.


In addition to directing and producing, he is also responsible for numerous (short) documentaries and newsreels.

as a director
  • 1910: The wicked mother-in-law
  • 1911: The lucky doll (together with Jacob Fleck , Luise Kolm and Claudius Veltée )
  • 1911: Hoffmann's stories (together with Jacob Fleck, Luise Kolm and Claudius Veltée)
  • 1911: The folk singers
  • 1912: Karl Blasel as a dentist
  • 1912: Trilby (together with Jacob Fleck, Luise Kolm and Claudius Veltée)
as a producer


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