Anton Passy

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Anton Passy (born March 31, 1788 in Vienna ; † March 11, 1847 ibid) was an Austrian Redemptorist and writer.


Anton Passy was the son of a silk merchant. During his studies he made the acquaintance of the preacher Klemens Maria Hofbauer and was influenced by him. He entered the Congregation of one of the Redemptorists and was in 1821 for ordained priests .

As such, Passy was active in pastoral care for some time and became one of the most popular preachers of his time. Together with his mentor Hofbauer he was close to the Romantics ; such as B. Clemens Brentano and Friedrich von Schlegel . In these years Passy also began to publish and soon became an important writer of Catholic Viennese romanticism.

Passy was able to publish a large part of his poetry in the journal Ölzweige . This magazine was headed by his brother Georg and was considered the center of the Catholic faith in Vienna between 1819 and 1823.

In addition to his essays and lyrical effusions in various newspapers and magazines, Passy also wrote devotional and prayer books and a church history.

He was one of the first Redemptorists in Vienna and was considered a confidante of St. Clement Maria Hofbauer . Just three weeks before his 59th birthday, Anton Passy died on March 11, 1847 in Vienna.


as an author
  • The youth's faith, hope, love. Life pictures . Deichert Publishing, Erlangen 1845.
  • Church singing and church music . Verlag Stauß & Sommer, Win 1846.
  • Church histories . Haslinger publishing house, Vienna 1846.
  • Masterlessness. Canzione . Herbig, Leipzig 1834
  • Organ tones. Spiritual songs . Bauer, Vienna 1830 (set to music by Ignaz Aßmayer )
  • Philosophers of the modern age. A poem . Deichert Publishing, Erlangen 1846.
  • Dream life, dream world . Volckamer Verlag, Leipzig 1842.
  • Consolation for parents at the grave of their children . St. Pölten 1846.
  • Time mirror. Novella . Mechiarist Congregation, Vienna 1835.
as editor
  • Alfonso Maria de Liguori : The perfect Christian . Mechiarist Congregation, Vienna 1845.
  • Joseph Salzbacher : Hymns and Prayers. Singed and prayed during the daily procession in the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem . Verlag Wimmer, Vienna 1842.


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