Antonia Schmitz

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Antonia Schmitz (born February 27, 1984 in Anröchte -Altengeseke, North Rhine-Westphalia ) was Miss Germany 2005.


She completed her professional training as a hotel manager in Bad Sassendorf . Her mother is an English and French teacher and her father is a farmer . She currently lives in Munich .

After she was elected Miss North Rhine-Westphalia , she took part in the national contest in 2005. The jury included Reiner Calmund , Berti Vogts , Hera Lind , Udo Lattek , Norbert Schramm and Holger Franke in the decision made on January 29, 2005 at Europa-Park in Rust .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ From the receptionist to "Miss Germany 2005" , of January 30, 2005, accessed on January 21, 2011