Battambang Apostolic Prefecture

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Battambang Apostolic Prefecture
Battambang Apostolic Prefecture Map
Basic data
Country Cambodia
Ecclesiastical province Immediate
Apostolic Prefect Enrique Figaredo Alvargonzález SJ
founding 26th September 1968
surface 81,456 km²
Parishes 9 (2010 / AP2011 )
Residents 4,335,000 (2010 / AP2011 )
Catholics 4.125 (2010 / AP2011 )
proportion of 0.1%
Diocesan priest 6 (2010 / AP2011 )
Religious priest 6 (2010 / AP2011 )
Catholics per priest 344
Friars 6 (2010 / AP2011 )
Religious sisters 19 (2010 / AP2011 )
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language Khmer

The Apostolic Prefecture Battambang ( lat. : Apostolica praefectura Battambangensis ) is an in Cambodia preferred Roman Catholic Apostolic Prefecture based in Battambang . It includes the provinces of Battambang , Pursat , Kampong Chhnang , Kampong Thom , Siemreap , Preah Vihear , Oddar Meancheay , Banteay Meanchey and Pailin .


Pope Paul VI founded the Apostolic Prefecture on September 26, 1968 from cession of territory by the Apostolic Vicariate Phnom-Penh .

Apostolic Prefect of Battambang

See also

Web links