Preah Vihear (Province)

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Preah Vihear Province
Vietnam Laos Thailand Sihanoukville Kep Kampot Takeo Phnom Penh Kandal Prey Veng Svay Rieng Kampong Cham Tbong Khmum Kampong Chhnang Kampong Speu Koh Kong Pailin Oddar Meanchey Preah Vihear Banteay Meanchey Siem Reap Battambang Pursat Kampong Thom Kratie Stung Tren Ratanakiri Mondulkirilocation
About this picture
Basic data
Country Cambodia
Capital Tbaeng Meanchey
surface 13,788 km²
Residents 202,500 (2017)
density 15 inhabitants per km²
ISO 3166-2 KH-13
Prasat Preah Vihear
Prasat Preah Vihear

Coordinates: 13 ° 47 '  N , 104 ° 58'  E

The province of Preah Vihear ( Khmer ព្រះវិហារ , IPA : preə̯̆h ʋihiə ) is in the north of Cambodia .


The Preah Vihear Province is divided into these seven districts:

Geocode Khmer District names
1301 ស្រុក ជ័យ សែន Chey Saen
1302 ស្រុក ឆែប Chhaeb
1303 ស្រុក ជាំ ក្សាន្ត Choam Khsant
1304 ស្រុក គូលែន Kuleaen
1305 ស្រុក រវៀង Rovieng
1306 ស្រុក សង្គម ថ្មី Sangkom Thmei
1307 ស្រុក ត្បែងមានជ័យ Tbaeng mean chey


Historic sites

  • Prasat Preah Vihear - Well-known temple complex in the north on the border with Thailand, it was built by Suryavarman I (1002–50) and Suryavarman II (1113–50). For a long time this place was difficult to access.
  • Koh Ker - The temple complex can also be easily reached as an excursion from Siem Reap via a newly built road .
  • Preah Khan - temple complex in the southwest of the province

Border disputes

The exact demarcation between Thailand and Cambodia is controversial. There have already been several armed clashes between the armed forces of the two countries, which also resulted in deaths.

See main article: Border conflict over Prasat Preah Vihear

Web links

Commons : Preah Vihear Province  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Statistically projected population figures for 2017 on
  2. Deaths in battles over historical temples ( Memento from April 6, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) - message from, accessed on April 3, 2009
  3. ^ Battles between Thailand and Cambodia ( Memento from February 9, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) - message from, accessed on February 6, 2011