Argentine-German military cooperation

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The German-Argentine military cooperation consisted, on the one hand, of exchanges in the training of officers (from 1900 to 1944) and, on the other hand, of German arms exports to Argentina (from the last third of the 19th century to the First World War).

German officers as teachers at the Escuela Superior de Guerra and as military advisers

On March 7, 1900, President Julio Argentino Roca opened the Escuela Superior de Guerra ( War School ) in Buenos Aires . General Luis María Campos had done the preparatory work for its establishment. Its first dean was the German colonel (and later general) Alfred Arent . Four of the first ten lecturers were also German officers. The Argentine military attaché in Berlin had recruited them. Were taught military history , general and military geography , topography , military simulation games , tactics , military organization . Expertise and ballistics , fortifications , etc.

The German lecturers of the Escuela Superior de Guerra

The following German officers worked at the Escuela Superior de Guerra:

Surname first name Name Beginning The End
Arent Alfred Arent 1899 1902
Below Hans von Below 1906 1910
Bronsart from Schellendorff Günther Bronsart von Schellendorff 1900 1904
Bruggerman Ferno Edwin Bruggerman Ferno 1911 1914
Think Hermann Denk 1911 1914
Lazy Wilhelm Faupel 1911 1914
Felgenhauer Georg Felgenhauer 1899 1902
Gagern Gagern Franz von 1913 1914
Goltz Friedrich von der Goltz 1907 1914
Heussler Friedrich Heussler 1911 1914
Kesten Johann Kesten 1904 1908
Kintzel Eberhard FF Kintzel 1903 1906
Kleist Kleist Herbert von 1906 1906
Kornatzky Kornatzky roller blind 1900 1902
Kretzschmar Wilhelm Hans Kretzschmar 1908 1912
Gaps Karl von Lücken 1906 1910
Moshack Gustav Adolf E. Moshack 1903 1906
Perrinet v. Thauvenay Etienne Perrinet from Thauvenay 1907 1912
Pfistermeister Herrmann von Pfistermeister 1913 1914
Pots Alfred W. 1909 1914
Push Ernst Pusch 1909 1912
Reinecke Albrecht Reinecke 1906 1911
Ripperda-Cosyn Heinrich-Unico from Ripperda-Cosyn 1900 1902
Schlegner Richard Schlegner 1911 1912
Schunck Bertrand Schunck 1899 1902
Weiland Hans Weiland 1911 1914
Savage Hans Wilde 1912 1914

Training of Argentine officers in Germany

Conversely, between 1902 and the outbreak of World War I - including military attachés, army doctors and young cadets - 196 officers came to Germany . They were assigned to various German regiments and units, including the Prussian War Academy , the Military Technical Academy , on firing ranges and for maneuvers. A high proportion of the officers sent to Germany (59 of the 196) later rose to the rank of general. Two became chiefs of staff, one, José Félix Uriburu , president of Argentina.

After the First World War: Wilhelm Faupel as a military advisor in Argentina

During the First World War, military exchanges were interrupted. From 1921 to 1928 Wilhelm Faupel was a military advisor in Argentina. One of his cadets was Juan Perón . Faupel enjoyed the protection of José Félix Uriburu, then Inspector General del Ejército , whose teacher he had been at the Escuela Superior de Guerra . From 1926 Ernst-Robert Grawitz's cousin , Paul Busse-Grawitz, worked in Argentina .

Arms deliveries from France and the German Reich

Brazil , Peru and Uruguay had French military missions and accordingly bought their weapons in France . Argentina , Chile and Ecuador had arms supply contracts with German arms manufacturers until 1928 and were soliciting military advisers in Berlin. Argentina bought from 1864 to 1913:

  • 125,000 rifles and carbines model 1889, 236,000 model 1891 and 157,000 model 1909 from Mauser
  • 1,433 cannons at Krupp
  • in addition ammunition, explosives, detonators, cases, propellant powder, bayonets , binoculars, etc.

Argentina increased its arms purchases when, soon after the conclusion of the border treaty of 1881 with Chile, there was a dispute over the course of the border on the Beagle Channel and the Beagle conflict . In the 1890s, the armament of the Argentine army was bought almost exclusively from German manufacturers.

Since 1923 the Do J was delivered to Argentina as a military whale with Rolls-Royce “Eagle” engines.


  • Enrique Rodolfo Dick: La profesionalización en el Ejército Argentino (1899-1914) . Academia Nacional de la Historia, Buenos Aires 2014, ISBN 978-987-178-697-8 .
  • Enrique Rodolfo Dick: Los oficiales del Ejército Argentino que se capacitaron en Alemania entre los años 1900-1914 y sus familias . In: Temas de historia argentina y americana , vol. 16 (2010), pp. 177-187.
  • Oliver Gliech: The German-Argentine military relations (1870-1945) . In: Peter Birle (ed.): Relations between Germany and Argentina . Vervuert, Frankfurt am Main 2010, ISBN 978-3-86527-597-4 , pp. 75-96.
  • Fernando García Molina: Apogeo de la influencia militar alemana sobre el ejército argentino (1904-1910) . In: Enrique M. Barba, In Memoriam. Estudios de Historia dedicados por sus amigos y discípulos . America Edita, Buenos Aires 1994, ISBN 950-43-5780-6 , pp. 233-251.
  • Guillermo Palombo: Bajo el águila prusiana. La influencia militar prusiana en el Ejército Argentino . In: Anales , Universidad Católica de La Plata, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, vol. 2005, pp. 23–31.
  • Jürgen Schäfer: German military aid to South America. Military and armaments interests in Argentina, Bolivia and Chile before 1914 . Bertelsmann University Press , Düsseldorf 1974, ISBN 3-571-09148-5 .
  • Elizabeth Barrett White: German Influence in the Argentine Army, 1900 to 1945 . Garland, New York 1991, ISBN 0-8153-0413-7 .

Individual evidence

  1. Fernando García Molina: Apogeo de la influencia militar alemana sobre el ejército argentino (1904-1910) . In: Enrique M. Barba, In Memoriam. Estudios de Historia dedicados por sus amigos y discípulos . America Edita, Buenos Aires 1994, ISBN 950-43-5780-6 , pp. 233-251.
  2. ^ Guillermo Palombo: Bajo el águila prusiana. La influencia militar prusiana en el Ejército Argentino . In: Anales , Universidad Católica de La Plata, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, vol. 2005, pp. 23–31.
  3. a b Enrique Rodolfo Dick: La profesionalización en el Ejército Argentino (1899-1914) . Academia Nacional de la Historia, Buenos Aires 2014.
  4. ^ Albrecht Reinecke: Síntesis sobre historia de la civilización argentina . Essen Publishing House, Essen 1939
  5. Albrecht Reinecke: 1936-1938 Director do Instituto Ibero-Americano (PDF; 130 kB). P. 4
  6. Enrique Rodolfo Dick: Los oficiales del Ejército Argentino que se capacitaron en Alemania entre los años 1900-1914 y sus familias . In: Temas de historia argentina y americana , vol. 16 (2010), pp. 177–187, here p. 180.
  7. Enrique Rodolfo Dick: Los oficiales del Ejército Argentino que se capacitaron en Alemania entre los años 1900-1914 y sus familias , here p. 181.
  8. Enrique Rodolfo Dick: Los oficiales del Ejército Argentino que se capacitaron en Alemania entre los años 1900-1914 y sus familias , here p. 183.
  9. Oliver Gliech: Wilhelm Faupel. General Staff Officer, Military Advisor, President of the Ibero-American Institute . In: Reinhard Liehr, Günther Maihold, Günther Vollmer (eds.): An institute and its general. Wilhelm Faupel and the Ibero-American Institute during the National Socialist era . Vervuert, Frankfurt am Main 2003, ISBN 3-89354-589-1 , pp. 131-280.
  10. ^ Jürgen Schäfer: German military aid to South America. Military and armaments interests in Argentina, Bolivia and Chile before 1914 . Bertelsmann University Press, Düsseldorf 1974.