Armando Rito

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Armando António Marques Rito (* 1936 ) is a Portuguese civil engineer and bridge builder.


Rito studied at the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon and was Edgar Cardoso's assistant at the chair for bridges and special constructions.

In 1982 he founded the engineering office Armando Rito Engenharia, which constructed numerous large bridges, particularly in Portugal.

He was a member of the bridges working group of fib and in the Eurocode committee for concrete bridges. Among other things, he taught bridge building at the Catholic University and at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL).


In 2019 he was honored as a Grand Officer of the Order of Infante Dom Henrique , in 2014 he received the Freyssinet Medal and in 2005 the Albert Caquot Prize , in 1998 the fip medal .

Projects (selection)

Ponte Nova Portimao (1991)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Cerimónia de Imposição de Condecorações no Palácio de Belém. Website of the President of the Republic of Portugal, 29 January 2019 (Portuguese).