Arno Münster (Author)

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Arno Münster (copyrights unclear, before 2012)

Arno Münster (born August 10, 1942 in Strehlen , Lower Silesia) is a German-French sociologist .


Arno Münster's parents were expelled from Silesia in 1946 and he grew up in Arzberg . He studied philosophy and Romance languages in Tübingen , he had lived in Paris since 1967, and in 1985 he received French citizenship . He received his doctorate in social philosophy at the University of Hanover in 1982 and in philosophy at the Sorbonne in 1987 . From 1986 to 1989 he was program director at the Collège international de philosophie in Paris and from 1990 to 1992 he worked in Rio de Janeiro . From 1992 to 2010 he taught contemporary German history of philosophy and social philosophy at the University of Amiens . He is a member of the Ernst Bloch Society and the Groupe d'Etudes Sartriennes.

The focus of Münster's teaching activities and his publications are the Frankfurt School , French existentialism and the work of Ernst Bloch . His book Ernst Bloch - a political biography , published in 2004, has been translated into several languages. In 2011 he published an autobiography as Alt-68 . Münster lives in Nice .

Fonts (selection)

  • Paris is on fire: The May Revolution 1968. Analyzes, facts, documents . Foreword by Claude Roy . Photos: Inge Werth. Frankfurt am Main: Heinrich Heine Verlag, 1968
  • Chile, peaceful way? : Historical report and political analysis . Berlin: Wagenbach, 1972 ISBN 978-3-8031-1044-2
  • Trotsky's theory of permanent revolution . Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1973 ISBN 978-3-472-77018-3
  • The fight at LIP. Workers' self-management in France . Berlin: Rotbuch, 1974 ISBN 978-3-88022-111-6
  • The theme of revolt in Jules Vallès' work  : a contribution to the sociology of commune literature . Munich: Fink, 1974
  • Portugal: year 1 of the revolution; an analytical report . Berlin: Rotbuch-Verlag, 1975 ISBN 978-3-88022-139-0
  • Argentina, guerrillas and counter-revolution: workers struggles against oligarchic dictatorship and union bureaucracy . Munich: Trikont-Verlag, 1977 ISBN 978-3-88167-007-4
  • Antifascism, Popular Front and Literature: on the history of the “ Union of Revolutionary Writers and Artists ” (AEAR) in France . Hamburg: VSA, 1977 ISBN 978-3-87975-107-5
  • Utopia, Messianism and Apocalypse in Ernst Bloch's early work . Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, ​​1982
  • Figures de l'utopie dans la pensée d'Ernst Bloch . Paris: Aubier, 1985 ISBN 2-7007-0395-2
  • Paris Philosophical Journal: from Sartre to Derrida . Collection of articles. Frankfurt am Main: Athenaeum, 1987 ISBN 978-3-610-00742-3
  • Ernst Bloch, messianism et utopia: introduction à une “phenoménologie” de la conscience anticipante; avec, en annexe, la dernière interview d'Ernst Bloch . Paris: Presses Univ. de France, 1991 ISBN 2-13-042475-9
  • Nietzsche et le nazisme . Paris: Ed. Kimé, 1995 ISBN 2-841740-18-8
  • Progrès et catastrophe, Walter Benjamin et l'histoire: réflexions sur l'itinéraire philosophique d'un marxisme “mélancolique” . Collection of articles. Paris: Ed. Kimé, 1996 ISBN 2-84174-036-6
  • Le principe dialogique: de la réflexion monologique vers la pro-flexion intersubjective; essais sur M. Buber, E. Levinas, F. Rosenzweig, G. Scholem, and E. Bloch . Collection of articles. Paris: Ed. Kimé, 1997 ISBN 2-84174-083-8
  • The principle “discussion”: Habermas ou le tournant langagier et communicationnel de la theory critique . Collection of articles. Paris: Ed. Kimé, 1998 ISBN 2-84174-134-6
  • Nietzsche et Stirner: Inquête sur les motifs libertaires dans la pensée nietzschéenne. Suivi de Nietzsche-immoraliste? : études sur la "Généalogie de la morale" . Paris: Ed. Kimé, 1999 ISBN 2-84174-164-8
  • L 'utopie concret̀e d'Ernst Bloch: a biography . Foreword by André Tosel. Paris: Ed. Kimé, 2001 ISBN 2-84174-238-5 (revised 2009)
    • Ernst Bloch. A political biography . Berlin: Philo, 2004 (revised version 2012)
  • Heidegger, la "science allemande" et le national-socialisme: suite d'une polémique . Paris: Ed. Kimé, 2002 ISBN 2-84174-280-6
  • Adorno: an introduction . Paris: Hermann, 2009 ISBN 978-2-7056-6823-5
  • Principe responsabilité or principe espérance? Lormont: Bord de l'Eau, 2011 ISBN 978-2-356-87095-7
  • Life as resistance: from Strehlen to Paris; Autobiography (memories) of an old sixty-eighter; Written in Paris from March 2008 to March 2009 - revised, revised and supplemented in February 2010 . Berlin: German Literature Society, 2011 ISBN 978-3-86215-098-4
  • André Gorz ou le socialisme difficile .
  • André Gorz or Difficult Socialism: An Introduction to Life and Work . Zurich: Rotpunktverlag, 2011 ISBN 978-3-85869-461-4
  • Utopia - Emancipation - Practice: socio-philosophical interventions; Adler - Bloch - Bourdieu - Habermas - Proudhon - Sartre - Stirner . Collection of articles. Berlin: Kramer, 2013 ISBN 978-3-87956-372-2
  • Utopia, écologie, écosocialisme: de l'utopie concrète d'Ernst Bloch à l'écologie socialiste . Paris: Harmattan, 2014 ISBN 978-2-343-00341-2
  • Espérance, rêve, utopia dans la pensée d'Ernst Bloch . Paris: L'Harmattan, 2015 ISBN 978-2-343-05173-4
  • La réprobation de l'Allemagne: ou les vraies raisons du nouveau ressentiment anti-allemand: quel avenir pour l'Europe? Paris: L'Harmattan, 2016 ISBN 978-2-343-08100-7
    • Fear of Germany: causes and backgrounds of the new Germanophobia, what future for Europe? Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2017 ISBN 978-3-8260-6297-1
  • Ernst Bloch et les XI thèses de Marx sur Feuerbach: cinq conférences . Paris: Éditions Delga, 2018 ISBN 978-2-37607-139-6

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