Artes Iuventutis

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Artes Iuventutis
legal form registered association
( ZVR : 667287822)
founding 1996
founder Florian Wilscher
Seat Vienna
motto Young music projects for young people
main emphasis Association for the promotion of young people making music
Action space Austria
Website ( Memento from May 3, 2019 in the Internet Archive )

Artes Iuventutis was a non-profit association for the promotion of young people making music in Austria . Founded in 1996, Artes Iuventutis organized various voluntary music projects for children and young people until 2013.

Artes Iuventutis Association

The Artes Iuventutis association was founded in 1996 by a small group of young music students to provide a platform for innovative projects for young people making music. The founding of the association was a reaction to the lack of modern and attractive offers for young people making music in Austria. Especially for young string players, pianists and singers there were only a few opportunities to regularly make music together and to spend their free time with like-minded people. There was no involvement in music associations, such as in the field of youth brass music. Many music students had no opportunity to participate in larger ensembles or in an orchestra. Only a few high-quality music and singing weeks were offered, especially during the summer holidays. So it was also difficult for music educators to motivate students to learn or to continue learning a (string) instrument.

The members of the Artes Iuventutis Association now began to design and carry out new projects for young people making music. The project concepts were designed as an alternative to the pressure to perform and competitive thinking in music. The focus should be on enjoying music and making music and a relaxed and friendly relationship between teachers and learners. The reason for this was that too little space was given to many of the qualities that making music together requires of the musicians in music lessons: conscious mutual perception, reacting to a counterpart, consideration for other players. It is precisely this common musical creation and experience that was assessed as an essential factor for the enthusiasm and pleasure in making music and found to be highly worthy of support. Another concern of the Artes Iuventutis Association was to loosen up and expand the musical teaching repertoire and to meet the participants with a diverse range of styles and line-ups, also to strengthen openness and tolerance towards the unfamiliar. Works from ancient to contemporary music, folk music from different countries, up to klezmer and jazz were taught in various formations, such as classical chamber music instrumentation, band instrumentation, choir and orchestra.

In the course of the association's history, Artes Iuventutis published several information sheets and brochures in addition to the magazine Saitenweise and the project descriptions. These publications served, among other things, to bring the association's philosophy, which connects all projects, closer to interested parties and potential sponsors.


Based on the purpose of the association, which is anchored in the association's statutes, the following principles were formulated:

  • Success without competition
  • Young music projects for young people
  • Music in contact
  • Diversity as a program
  • Artes Iuventutis as a platform

On April 29, 2017, the general meeting of the association decided to voluntarily dissolve Artes Iuventutis.


Various events were held in several federal states between 1994 and 2013. These include the youth music camp and the jazz-folk-klezmer course in Edlitz , the chamber music days in Thörl , Reichenau an der Rax and Weyer im Ennstal , the singing seminars SingSang and voice professional in Markt Piesting , the baroque opera course Dido & Æneas in Edlitz and Warth, the orchestra camp Mostviertel magic arches in Seitenstetten , Kogelsbach and St. Georgen am Reith , the VolxMusiCamp in Seitenstetten and Pulkau and the Cook'n'Play in Edlitz. The project participants were between 6 and 28 years old, depending on the project. Another project was the publication of the magazine Stringsweise .

The projects were made possible by the voluntary work of the active association members. The projects received financial support in the form of course fees, membership fees, subsidies from the federal government, states, municipalities, institutions and sponsors.

Youth music camp Edlitz

From 1994 to 2013 Artes Iuventutis organized the youth music camp during the summer holidays in Edlitz in the "Bucklige Welt" (Lower Austria) for children and young people between 10 and 18 years of age. In different line-ups, the lecturers worked on chamber music from different styles with the participants. All string instruments, piano, flute, guitar, clarinet and singing, nose flute, jab drum and whoopee pillow were taught. In addition to ensemble and individual lessons, all the strings and wind instruments had daily rehearsals in the large orchestra. Part of the course was starting each day with the large choir. In the beginning, musical theater and musical productions were also developed and carried out together with the participants. For all those who wanted to deal more intensively with their voice, voice training was offered in individual and group lessons during the day. In the context of workshops, lecturers spoke about topics such as correct practice, dealing with stage fright or improvisation . Rhythmic and percussion workshops were also offered. The teaching team for the course consisted of young music teachers and experienced musicians with chamber music experience. At an opening concert, the lecturers introduced themselves musically to the course participants and the audience in the area. A big final concert on the last day of the course was reserved for the participants. The participants and the youth music camp team were taught and accommodated in the elementary and secondary school in Edlitz, which the community made available free of charge.

Jazz folk klezmer

Folder subject Jazz Folk Klezmer 2010

The jazz-folk-klezmer course took place from 2001 to 2013 in Edlitz in the "Bucklige Welt" (Lower Austria). Intensive preoccupation with jazz, folk and klezmer should not only make it easier for interested young people to get started in these musical styles, but should also represent an additional offer to traditional music lessons. The participants between the ages of 16 and 26 did not have to have any previous knowledge of the styles mentioned. Clarinet / saxophone, trombone, other brass instruments, violin / viola, double / electric bass, guitar, piano, drums, percussion and vocals were taught. In different line-ups as well as in individual lessons, the participants got an insight into special playing techniques, the art of improvisation and above all should get an impression of the diversity in the world of music. On the workshop basis, the participants learned about the differences in the approach to jazz, folk and klezmer compared to traditional classical literature in specially prepared pieces of music. The new experiences were tried out and implemented in evening jam sessions. The participants were looked after and instructed by young music teachers and artists. Members of the Elektro Guzzi , Mary Broadcast Band and Nifty's formations served as lecturers . Each course started with an opening concert by the lecturers, towards the end of the week there was a public jam session and ended with a grand final concert by the participants. Participants and the jazz-folk-klezmer team were taught and accommodated in the elementary and secondary school in Edlitz, which the community provided free of charge.  

Chamber music days

From 1996 to 2013, young ensembles between the ages of 14 and 26 met three weekends a year to deal intensively with chamber music. The first chamber music days took place in Thörl (Styria), later in Reichenau an der Rax (Lower Austria) and finally in Weyer im Ennstal (Upper Austria). Chamber music works of medium difficulty were compiled and performed in two public concerts. The teachers of the course introduced themselves to the participants and the audience at a public lecturer's concert. The Eggner Trio and members of the Hugo Wolf Quartet acted as lecturers at the Chamber Music Days . The chamber music days should also offer ensembles of the youth music camp the opportunity to play together during the year and could also be helpful in preparation for competitions such as Prima la Musica . According to the basic ideas of Artes Iuventutis, the process should come before the product. Not a perfect final concert, but the chamber music development within the course should be the motivation for the participants. This differentiated oneself from elite master courses and their competitive thinking. 


The SingSang singing seminar was organized by Artes Iuventutis from 1998 to 2003 in Markt Piesting (Lower Austria). Young singers between the ages of 14 and 25 and singers between the ages of 14 and 30 with or without previous vocal training could take part. The core areas of the lessons were solo singing, ensemble and choir. Furthermore, various workshops such as breathing technique, acting, acrobatics etc. could be attended. Participants and lecturers were accommodated in the music and elementary school in Markt Piesting. The usually one-week seminar ended with a large public concert with all participants.

voice professional

The voice professional singing seminar is aimed at young people aged 16 to 24 who are aiming for a course with a major in singing (solo singing, vocal pedagogy, musicals) or who are already studying in relevant preparatory classes. The course was held from 2004 to 2007 by Artes Iuventutis in Markt Piesting . In addition to voice training units, solo and ensemble pieces were also developed and implemented musically and scenically. Lecturers included lecturers from the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and the Vienna Conservatory (now the City of Vienna's Music and Art University ). 

Dido & Æneas

In 2005, a baroque ensemble from the Artes Iuventutis Association, together with the Lower Austrian Youth Choir, a project of the Choir Association for Vienna and Lower Austria, developed the baroque opera “ Dido and Aeneas ” by Henry Purcell . Markus Winkler was the musical director. The soloists were Agnes Scheibelreiter (Dido), Gernot Heinrich (Aeneas), Anna Clare Hauf (Sorceress) and Theresa Dlouhy (Belinda). The two concert performances took place in the Arena Nova Classic in Wiener Neustadt and in the Dominican Church in Krems .

Orchestra camp "Mostviertel Magic Arches"

From 2009 to 2013 the orchestra camp "Mostviertler Zauberbögen" was organized by Artes Iuventutis. Young string players between the ages of 6 and 12 had the opportunity to gain their first orchestral and ensemble experience. The aim of the course was that both pupils (already after the first year of learning) and advanced students play music together in an orchestra and spend a week together with music and leisure activities. In this sense, the orchestral literature covered the ability from the elementary to the advanced level. Additional chamber music lessons were offered for children who already had more orchestral and playing experience. Singing in the choir was also an integral part of the course, which opened with a lecturer's concert and ended with a joint orchestral concert for the participants. Venues for the orchestra camp were Seitenstetten (Lower Austria), Kogelsbach (Lower Austria) and St. Georgen am Reith (Lower Austria).

VolxMusiCamp "I-IV-V"

From 2010 to 2012 the VolxMusiCamp "I-IV-V" was organized by Artes Iuventutis, in 2013 as part of the Cook'n'Play courses. The focus was on the joy of singing, playing, yodelling and dancing. Under the guidance of professional (folk) musicians, the mediation took place, as is usual in folk music, without any notes. The offer was supplemented by introductory courses to get to know 'exotic' musical instruments such as bagpipes, hurdy-gurdy, jew's harp and zither. Several evenings offered the opportunity to put what had been learned into practice: a final round table at the end of the course as well as dance and concert evenings during the week. Lecturers included members of the Alma and Federspiel ensembles .

Cook'n'Play (Classics / Voixkuchljazz)

The “Cook'n'Play” course organized by Artes Iuventutis in 2013 combined three Artes Iuventutis project concepts for participants between 16 and 28 years: the classical chamber music course, the jazz course and the folk music course. With the support of young music educators and artists, the participants in the “Cook'n'Play Classics” worked on chamber music works from different eras and styles in individual and ensemble lessons as well as in a chamber orchestra. The instruments violin, violoncello, piano, flute, clarinet and bassoon were taught. In addition to the daily lessons, there were lessons in the kitchen, where meals were prepared together with a cook. The participants of the "Cook'n'Play Classics" were able to improvise, attend workshops and cook together with the participants of the "Cook'n'Play Voixkuchljazz" taking place at the same time. Participants and lecturers were accommodated in the elementary and secondary school Edlitz / Lower Austria in the Bucklige Welt . At an opening concert, the lecturers introduced themselves musically to the course participants and the audience in the area. The final concert at the end of the week was reserved for the participants.

Magazine "stringsweise"

The first issue of the magazine Saitenweise was published in 1996. You can read the magazines from 1996 to 1998 in a "historical" online edition.

The club magazine should contain current reports from the club life on the one hand, and on the other hand it should also be generally attractive for young people and adults interested in music through diverse music-related articles from different perspectives. This is how the rubrics arose: New music , interviews with young ensembles or musicians (interview, news), About composers and their works (music history), Music theater, About the human body in connection with making music or singing (voice, ear, soundscape), Music and fitness, commentary, amusing and lively things about music (features), current projects of the association (on the subject, Artes Iuventutis) as well as general considerations about the association and its objectives (column).

by strings, number 1, July 31, 1996 Editing / layout: Werner Goebl and Paul Wilscher
category title Author
Editorial Editorial Paul Wilscher and Werner Goebl
column The message of art. Thoughts on the situation of young people making music in Austria Florian Wilscher
New music The role of tonality in the present from my point of view. A personal introduction to contemporary music Johanna Male
Singing voice Learn to sing? A position assessment Martin Vácha
On the subject Musical togetherness.  The youth music camp Edlitz 1996 is already celebrating its third birthday Stephanie Kathan, Paul Wilscher and Werner Goebl
Music and fitness Make music, practice and move in a relaxing way. Exercises that are good for you and bring you more energy Ulli Engel
JMC 1996 Edlitz, just you alone (poem about the youth music camp 1996) Magdalena Singer
Features section The premiere  of J.-L. Barrault: An insight into the theatrical stress before a big premiere Selected by Anna Scheidl
by strings, number 2, January 25, 1997 Editing / layout: Werner Goebl and Paul Wilscher

Editing: Kathi Thenius

category title Author
Editorial Editorial Kathi Thenius, Paul Wilscher and Werner Goebl
Soundscape Our hearing. A journey through the physiological basis and enormous abilities of our hearing Paul Wilscher and Werner Goebl
On the subject Chamber music days in Styria. A report from the first two weekends Johanna Male and Gabi Slezak
analysis Off-screen music theater. About the music theater happening apart from the State and Volksoper Anna Scheidl
column Ways to music. Thoughts about the attractiveness of the musical training offer Florian Wilscher
New music Compose today. A few personal thoughts from a young composer Johannes Kretz
Music and fitness The breath of all of our energy sources. Instructions for breathing Ulli Engel
Features section About the harmlessness of music. A satire by the Hungarian musicologist Antal Molnàr Translated from the Hungarian by Peter Puskas
by strings, number 3, July 29, 1997 Editing / layout: Werner Goebl and Paul Wilscher

Editing: Kathi Thenius

category title Author
Editorial Editorial Paul Wilscher and Werner Goebl (editors)
Music history "The Mozart of the 19th Century" Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy on the 150th anniversary of his death. Veronika Grossberger
Music history More than Hollywood. To the composer Erich Wolfgang Korngold on the 100th birthday. Johanna Male
Musical theater Often the seasoning would be short. An overview of the Wiener Festwochen 1997 Irene-Marianne Kinne
comment Outsider?! Thoughts on contemporary music in basic musical training. Florian Wilscher
On the subject Da capo - The youth music camp Edlitz 1997. A first report editorial staff
Features section "Tempo" by Antal Molnár Translated from the Hungarian by Peter Puskas
review Chamber music in the countryside. The Chamber Music Days Thörl 1996/97 editorial staff
Music and fitness The brain - our biocomputer About coordination, motor skills and music Ulli Engel
Soundscape Come on, sing along! The singing voice - a cross section Paul Wilscher and Werner Goebl
New music "... almost only fourth chords". Interview with three young composers Florian and Paul Wilscher
by strings, number 4, January 30, 1998 Editing / layout: Werner Goebl and Paul Wilscher

Editing: Kathi Thenius

category title Author
Editorial Editorial Paul Wilscher and Werner Goebl
Music history "Even an unsuccessful experiment is better than none at all" On Hanns Eisler's anniversary Katharina Thenius
Musical theater The chance of improvisation On the situation and development of the musical group at the Edlitz youth music camp Anna Scheidl
Current Back in Vienna. Arnold Schönberg's legacy returns home to Vienna from Los Angeles. For the opening of the Arnold Schönberg Center editorial staff
Features section "Everything flows" Antal Molnár discusses controversial questions of music practice in his own way. Translated from the Hungarian by Peter Puskas
practice Clean strings. Tips for maintaining string instruments  Gerlinde Reutterer
interview The will to quality. A conversation with the young Viennese Hugo Wolf Quartet  Florian Wilscher
by strings, number 5, April 30, 1998 Editing / layout: Werner Goebl, Veronika Großberger and Paul Wilscher. Editing: Kathi Thenius
category title Author
Editorial Editorial Veronika Großberger, Paul Wilscher and Werner Goebl
Musical theater Are we getting along with Brecht? For Bertolt Brecht's anniversary  Monika Huber
Soundscape What notes are we actually playing? About musical temperatures Werner Goebl
practice Making music with the body: tension and breathing problems versus well-being when making music Katharina Domanig
Artes Iuventutis Sing Sang ?! About the singing seminar Markt Piesting, which took place for the first time during the Easter holidays editorial staff
interview Trapezoid without a net. The second part of an interview with the Vienna Hugo Wolf Quartet  Florian Wilscher
New music "Doing something that has already been done before is of no interest to me ..." On György Ligeti's 75th birthday Johannes Maria Staud
by strings, number 6, July 30, 1998 Editing / layout: Werner Goebl, Veronika Großberger and Paul Wilscher. Editing: Kathi Thenius
category title Author
Editorial Editorial Veronika Grossberger
comment The art of time, the rights of art. The art college reform Barbara Dorfmann
Music history Let's Gersh & win! George Gershwin's 100th birthday  Veronika Grossberger
Artes Iuventutis Chamber music and more ... At the end of the second year of chamber music school in Thörl. A report from the participants editorial staff
Current Creative summer of music. Voices for the fifth youth music camp Edlitz editorial staff
New music The revolution from within. About Luigi Nono's work and life  Marcel Reuter
practice Moving learning. The Moshé-Feldenkrais Method  Johanna Male
Soundscape "I beg your pardon?" About hearing loss and music  Bernhard Laback
JMC special Reverberation .  Poem by course participants editorial staff
by strings, number 7, December 23, 1998 Editing / layout: Werner Goebl, Veronika Großberger and Paul Wilscher. Editing: Kathi Thenius
category title Author
Editorial Journalistic conclusion 1998 Werner Goebl
Artes Iuventutis Music projects - balance sheet 1998. An overview editorial staff
Artes Iuventutis On stage like young professionals. Harald Tauber remembers working with the musical group at the Edlitz youth music camp Harald Tauber
Artes Iuventutis About singing and dancing ... A report by Martin Jeff Frohner, who musically directed the musical workshop. Martin Jeff Frohner
Artes Iuentutis Open ears. How do you write new music that young people like to play? Gerald Resch
interview Hümmelchen and Dudey. Katharina Thenius in conversation with the first Austrian bagpiper, Stefan Widhalm Katharina Thenius
comment Marginal phenomena. Some thoughts on "Vienna modern"  Veronika Grossberger

Board members

Florian Wilscher was president from 1996 to 2008, Severin Wilscher from 2008 to 2017. After their respective terms of office, both were appointed honorary presidents by the general assembly.

Artes Iuventutis board members 1996-2005

Artes Iuventutis founding board of directors 1996–1998 Artes Iuventutis Board of Directors 1998 Artes Iuventutis Board of Directors 1999 Artes Iuventutis Board of Directors 2000–2002 Artes Iuventutis Board of Directors 2002–2005
president Florian Wilscher president Florian Wilscher president Florian Wilscher president Florian Wilscher president Florian Wilscher
Vice President Stephanie Kathan Vice President Stephanie Kathan Vice President Monika Huber Vice President Monika Huber Vice President Severin Wilscher
Secretary Johanna Male Secretary Johanna Male Secretary Katharina Thenius Secretary Katharina Thenius Secretary Gundula Wilscher
Finance officer Severin Wilscher Finance officer Severin Wilscher Finance officer Severin Wilscher Finance officer Severin Wilscher Finance officer Peter Puskás
Organizational Officer Peter Puskás Project Officer Martin Vácha Project Officer Martin Vácha Project Officer Martin Vácha Project Officer Martin Vácha
Organisationsreferent- Deputy . Martin Vácha Organizational Officer Paul Wilscher Organizational Officer Paul Wilscher Public Relations Officer Georg Steker Public Relations Officer Daniela Schwarz
Project Officer Romed Wieser
Deputy Project Officer Ulrike Engel
Public Relations Officer Paul Wilscher

Artes Iuventutis board members 2005–2017

Artes Iuventutis Board of Directors 2005–2008 Artes Iuventutis Board of Directors 2008–2011 Artes Iuventutis Board of Directors 2011–2014 Artes Iuventutis Board of Directors 2014–2017
president Florian Wilscher president Severin Wilscher president Severin Wilscher president Severin Wilscher
Vice President Severin Wilscher Vice President for Organization Gundula Wilscher Vice President for Organization Gundula Wilscher Vice President for Organization Gundula Wilscher
Secretary Gundula Wilscher Vice President for Music Education Maria Gfrerer Vice President for Music Education Maria Gfrerer Secretary Magdalena Thenius
Finance officer Alexander Kopecny Secretary Viola Römiger Secretary Nikolaus Wagner Finance officer Alexander Kopecny
Project Officer Viola Römiger Finance officer Alexander Kopecny Finance officer Alexander Kopecny Marketing Officer Nora Bammer
Public Relations Officer Daniela Schwarz Public Relations Officer Bibiane Eitzenberger Public Relations Officer Bibiane Eitzenberger
Press officer Nora Bammer de Rodriguez Press officer Nora Bammer de Rodriguez

Individual evidence

  1. Florian Wilscher: Paths to Music. Thoughts on the attractiveness of the musical training offer for young people in Austria. In: by strings. Artes Iuventutis Association for the Promotion of Young People Making Music, January 25, 1997, accessed on June 12, 2016 (German).
  2. Online presence of the magazine "Saitenweise". Artes Iuventutis, accessed February 4, 2020 .