Arthur De Greef

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Arthur De Greef

Arthur De Greef (born October 10, 1862 in Leuven , † August 29, 1940 in Brussels ) was a Belgian pianist and composer .


Arthur De Greef studied piano from 1873 at the Conservatoire Royal de Musique in Brussels with Louis Brassin , a student of Ignaz Moscheles . His other teachers were Joseph Dupont (harmony), François-Auguste Gevaert (composition) and Hubert Ferdinand Kufferath (counterpoint). At the age of 17 he graduated with honors ("ex aequo" with Isaac Albéniz , who also dedicated his own compositions to him) and then went to Weimar to continue his studies with Franz Liszt . Further studies also took him to Paris to study with Camille Saint-Saëns .

During a long and successful career as a pianist, De Greef undertook concert tours e.g. B. to France, Germany, England, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Poland and Russia. De Greef became friends with Edvard Grieg , who described him as the best interpreter of his music he had met. From 1887 to 1930 he himself was a piano professor at the Brussels Conservatory .


De Greef did not begin to compose until he was about 30 years old. His most important works are two piano concertos (No. 1 in C minor, 1914; No. 2 in B flat minor, 1930). The first concerto was dedicated to Saint-Saëns, who predicted that the work would achieve a fame comparable to Grieg's A minor concerto (which, however, should not come about). De Greef's music follows the romantic tradition of Schumann and Grieg.


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