August Freiherr von Korff

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August Freiherr von Korff (born September 9, 1880 in Füchtorf ; † November 11, 1959 Füchtorf) was a German local politician and honorary district administrator.

Life and work

After attending school, Korff studied law at the universities of Grenoble , Munich and Münster . The first and second state examinations followed. Von Korff worked as a forestry and farmer . He was married and had two children.

From October 1, 1910 to November 6, 1919 von Korff was an honorary officer in the Sassenberg office . He was a member of the district council of the then Warendorf district from 1915 to 1921 and of the district road construction commission from 1919 to 1921. After the Second World War he was again a member of the district council in 1946 and from April 1, 1946 to July 9, 1946, district administrator of the Warendorf district.


Von Korff was a member of the Sovereign Order of the Knights of Malta . He lived at Harkotten Castle .
