August Friedrich Mouson

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August Friedrich Mouson (born February 19, 1768 in Berlin , † November 22, 1837 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German entrepreneur.


The son of a stove master in the Berlin Royal Porcelain Manufactory , who came from a Huguenot family , was a trained soap maker and light drawer and came to Frankfurt as a traveling journeyman in 1791 , where he worked as a manager in the long-established soap boiler of Madame Held in Breitegasse. From December 1798, Mouson was able to run the widow's business under his name and on his own account. Mouson received the citizenship of the imperial city and in almost four decades expanded the company into a respected company that focused primarily on the production of fine soaps and established itself under the management of his son Johann Georg (1812-1894) as JG Mouson & Cie. developed into a large company that also started producing perfumes .

The best-known product of the Mouson company was the Mouson cream, developed after the First World War - the cream with the depth effect , later the Eau de Cologne bamboo .


His marriage to Anna Neef in 1799 resulted in eleven children, nine sons and two daughters. Three of his sons also turned to soap and light manufacturing: Johann Heinrich (1799–1843), Friedrich Kaspar (1802–1866) and Johann Georg (1812–1894). His great-grandson Fritz Mouson continued the company with new buildings in Ostend , especially the Mousonturm .

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