Baby pee

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Under the name Baby pee (also Baby beer , Pullerbier , Child beer , child pee , kids peeing , Pissparty , Kindsbrunzen , Pinkel Party , bathe Füßle , Pullerparty , Pullerschnaps , baby shower , Wieslfest and lumber brandy social events on the occasion of the birth are called) understood a child. This customis at home in the environment of family, friends and neighborhood circles. According to tradition, this ceremony is to drink the newborn after birth by the consumption of drinks symbolically during urination help so it does not suffer any pain. Sometimes, however, the custom of urinating is given a different meaning. Of those invited relatives and friends who were allowed to hold the naked newborn baby in their arms and examine them, the one who peed on while the baby was being held was regarded as the eternally lucky person.

The custom originated in northern Germany and has spread from there to various German regions. Typically, the forms of this custom within a region can differ significantly from one another. In many cases, the father celebrates the birth of the child with friends and neighbors, while the mother and the newborn are still in the hospital. It also happens that the celebration is held a little later, so that the mother can also take part. In any case, baby peeing takes place before the baptism . Sometimes baby peeing is also a party where invited couples say “yes” to their own child.

When organizing the festival, it is customary in some regions to invite guests to a restaurant. Often, however, the celebration is held in the parents' home, which is announced by hanging a bed sheet or a flag out of the window, and friends and neighbors are informed in this way. An explicit invitation is then not required. Sometimes guests are expected to provide food and drinks. This also depends on the respective region. A wooden stork is often set up to make the birth of the child visible from afar.

Public invitation to baby pee in the Bergisches Land

Regional characteristics

In Northern Hesse , the custom described takes place under the name Pullerschnaps or Pullerschoppen . As a rule, “short” clear schnapps or beer are served . In the Hunsrück this is also called a piss party .

In the western Hintertaunus , in the Westerwald and in the Limburg-Weilburg district , so-called tree spots are common. A few weeks after the birth, little trees are set up in front of the young family's house by neighbors, friends, relatives and work colleagues, which are then hung with used baby clothes and old toys. Often, instead of a sapling also be clotheslines stretched. The new citizen is welcomed in rhyme on large posters. The tree planting is often publicly invited, so that everyone who feels connected to the new baby gathers for this traditional gathering. Afterwards there is a drink and a simple common celebration in a cozy atmosphere. The new earth citizen is symbolically introduced into the village community.

In the Lower Rhine and Ruhr areas , baby peeing is celebrated very shortly after the birth by the father of the newborn, usually only with his male friends and relatives, while the mother is still in the hospital with the child. In this circle, the father only announces when the baby pee will take place, there is no real invitation.

In East Friesland this tradition is called Kindskiek (Low German). Relatives, neighbors and friends are invited to the birth and are served bohntjesopp . This is not a traditional bean soup, but a drink made from brandy, raisins and sugar.

In Thuringia and parts of Upper Franconia , baby peeing is called Brunsbier or Sächbier or Pischliter . In the southern Thuringian region, people often speak of Pischbier or Püschbier . Here, too, people often only celebrate and drink beer with male relatives and friends right after the birth . In some regions it is limited to the child's father serving his colleagues schnapps , beer or sparkling wine at work .

In southern Hesse , this custom is called “Baasche wash” or “Baasche nass mache”, which in High German means something like “wash your legs” or “wet your legs”. Here, too, usually only the child's father meets with his group of friends to toast the child's birth.

In eastern Switzerland this custom is called “Iischwemmä”, which can be translated as “flooding in” in High German. But the flood does not mean the child's excretions, but rather the excessively moist and happy consumptions. Here, too, the child's father meets with his group of friends to toast the child's birth, while the mother and child are still in the hospital or birth center.

In southern Upper Bavaria this custom is called “Kindsbier” and is actually only celebrated with male friends. Here, too, the father meets with his friends while the mother is still in the hospital. This can often take a long time. It is toasted with plenty of beer.

In the Saarland , the tradition of this baby shower is called "es Koppwasher" (= washing head, first hair wash of the newborn). Whether the mother or female acquaintance is there varies from region to region, but is generally not common.

In Baden-Württemberg - especially in Swabian - people speak of "Füßle bathing". The child's feet are bathed in a corresponding amount of alcohol. Behind the custom there is still the archaic idea that by drinking a lot you can help the child to "pee" well himself.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. See handball. After “baby peeing” harmony in the field . In: Rheinische Post from September 24, 2009; Retrieved August 8, 2011.
  2. Let the baby pee ( Memento from November 24, 2017 in the Internet Archive )