Bacillus mycoides

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Bacillus mycoides
B. mycoides on TY agar.

B. mycoides on TY agar.

Department : Firmicutes
Class : Bacilli
Order : Bacillales
Family : Bacillaceae
Genre : Bacillus
Type : Bacillus mycoides
Scientific name
Bacillus mycoides
Flügge 1886

Bacillus mycoides is a bacterium in the Bacillus cereus group. It is differentiated from Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis by the rhizoid colony growth on nutrient media and the lack of motility . Profiles of fatty acids and the lack of acetanilide synthesis , which is characteristic of B. thuringiensis , are usedas further differentiation options . There are also variants that show no rhizoid growth and yet can be clearly assigned to B. mycoides .


In the spotted catfish ( Ictalurus punctatus ), B. mycoides can cause lesions and muscle necrosis . B. mycoides is classified in biological risk group 2.


The Bacillus mycoides isolate BmJ is being considered as an active ingredient in plant protection products . When growing cucumbers , it can inhibit the pest Colletotrichum orbiculare and thus reduce crop failures.

Individual evidence

  1. Taxonomy of the species Bacillus mycoides Flügge 1886 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Liu et al. 2018 . doi : 10.1601 / tx.4947 .
  2. ^ The microorganisms: with special consideration of the etiology of infectious diseases , Leipzig 1886 ( digitized versionhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3D~IA%3Db22650799~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3D~doppelseiten%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D ) p. 324
  3. ^ LK Nakamura, MA Jackson: Clarification of the Taxonomy of Bacillus mycoides . In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology . tape 45 , no. 1 , 1995, ISSN  1466-5026 , pp. 46-49 , doi : 10.1099 / 00207713-45-1-46 .
  4. F von Wintzingerode: Identification of environmental strains of Bacillus mycoides by fatty acid analysis and species-specific 16S rDNA oligonucleotide probe . In: FEMS Microbiology Ecology . tape 24 , no. 3 , 1997, ISSN  0168-6496 , p. 201-209 , doi : 10.1016 / S0168-6496 (97) 00057-3 .
  5. ^ AE Goodwin, JS Roy, JM Grizzle, MT Goldsby: Bacillus mycoides : a bacterial pathogen of channel catfish . In: Diseases of Aquatic Organisms . tape 18 , 1994, ISSN  0177-5103 , pp. 173-179 , doi : 10.3354 / dao018173 .
  6. TRBA 466 "Classification of Prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea) in Risk Groups"
  7. Oliver T. Neher, Mareike R. Johnston, Nina K. Zidack, Barry J. Jacobsen: Evaluation of Bacillus mycoides isolate BmJ and B. mojavensis isolate 203-7 for the control of anthracnose of cucurbits caused by Glomerella cingulata var. Orbiculare . In: Biological Control . tape 48 , no. 2 , 2009, ISSN  1049-9644 , p. 140-146 , doi : 10.1016 / j.biocontrol.2008.08.012 .