Badische XI (old)

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Va (from 1868)
Locomotive No. 1124 (formerly No. 124)
Locomotive No. 1124 (formerly No. 124)
Numbering: 91-98, 113-126
Number: 22nd
Manufacturer: MBG Karlsruhe
Year of construction (s): 1860-1863
Retirement: 1885-1897
Type : 1B n2
Gauge : 1435 mm ( standard gauge )
Length over buffers: approx. 13,048 mm
Height: 4,530 mm
Fixed wheelbase: 3,450 mm
Empty mass: 27.0 t
Service mass: 30.5 t
Friction mass: 21.0 t
Wheel set mass : 10.5 t
Top speed: 40 km / h
Coupling wheel diameter: 1,524 mm
Impeller diameter front: 1,070 mm
Control type : Stephenson
Cylinder diameter: 405 mm
Piston stroke: 610 mm
Boiler : Crampton type
Boiler overpressure: 8.0 bar
Number of heating pipes: 170
Heating pipe length: 4,195 mm
Grate area: 0.97 m²
Radiant heating surface: 5.64 m²
Tubular heating surface: 94.10 m²
Evaporation heating surface: 99.74 m²
Locomotive brake: Screw brake on the tender

The vehicles of type XI , from 1868 V a , were freight locomotives of the Grand Ducal Baden State Railway .

The machines were designed to pull a 350-ton train at 37 km / h. They were used on the main line and the Odenwald line . They could also be found in the Mannheim harbor. After they were displaced from the main lines by more powerful locomotives, they could still be found on secondary lines for a while. The first locomotives were retired between 1885 and 1892. 18 locomotives performed subordinate services until 1897. Their lane number was increased by 1000 to mark them as an expiring genus. Locomotive No. 120 FRIEDRICH LIST was converted into a tank locomotive in 1875. The water tanks were arranged laterally above the suspension springs.

The locomotives had a Crampton type boiler. The first eight locomotives did not have a steam dome. Due to this construction, too much water was torn from the boiler during operation, which severely impaired the performance of the locomotive. From the next delivery, the machines of this type received a cathedral again. In contrast to the other Baden locomotives of that time, the boilers in this first series were relatively unadorned. The use of brass decorations had been dispensed with. The chimney had a sheet metal hood, later the locomotives received a Prüsmann chimney . The frame was designed as an external filling frame.

The two-cylinder wet steam engine was arranged on the outside. The drive was carried out by means of Hall cranks, the forked drive rods acted on the first coupling axle. The individual axes were provided with overhead leaf springs with compensating levers and adjustable brackets. The locomotives did not have a buffer beam. The front end of the smoke chamber was formed by the front pan. The locomotives used in the Mannheim harbor were given an additional bell device.

The vehicles were equipped with type 2 T 5.62 tenders .


  1. To distinguish the locomotives designated according to the 1868 scheme, also designated as XI (old) .


  • Hermann Lohr, Georg Thielmann: Baden locomotive archive . transpress, Berlin 1988, ISBN 3344002104