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BallKoRobics (from the words "ball" and "aerobics") is a form of aerobics in which the movements are performed with the help of a ball .


The idea came up in 1997 when football coach Peter Schreiner started aerobics to improve his fitness and coordination . He wondered why this wasn't part of soccer training, so he developed a collection of exercises that he tested in his school. He later did the same in basic training at FC Schalke 04 . In 1998 the name BallKoRobics was first created.

At the end of 1998, Peter Schreiner got to know the aerobics teacher Bettina Ebenfeld, who was trained as a teaching trainer for the North Rhine-Westphalia aerobics training center. She was enthusiastic and helped him expand. She tested the sport in her groups at the health center in the Nienhausen Revierpark . From there, Peter Schreiner concentrated on schools and clubs and Ebenfeld on fitness groups. The BallKoRobics program for soccer players was also created, which focuses on soccer.

In 1999, the two of them produced a video on the sport with students from the Heinemann Comprehensive School in Essen and players from the Bundesliga club FVR Duisburg (German Cup winner 1998). On April 6, 1999, the sport was presented to the heads of the Essen health center for the first time. This made the WDR aware of the sport and on April 14, 1999 BallKoRobics was shown in the ARD morning magazine . On April 30th, Schreiner presented the sport to football coaches and representatives of the DFB.

Course content

The training combines sport with music and promotes fitness , a sense of rhythm , coordination and conditioning skills , strength endurance and general endurance . The aerobic exercises are performed with a ball and can include ball movements typical for sports that are already known from sports such as soccer , volleyball , handball or basketball . This includes arm and leg movements, as well as throwing and bouncing the ball. In sports didactics , the points of design , dancing , performing , gymnastics and movement arts usually play an important role, as well as developing, combining and testing these skills. Since it is mostly partner and group work , the lessons also aim at self-directed learning and social skills . The use of the ball reduces the dancing character, which makes it easier to co-educate different age and ability classes . One use are z. B. Warm up exercises .

Exercises and steps

Arm and ball movements

  • Arm curl - The ball is moved up and down in front of the body with both hands so that the arms bend.
  • Ball in the air - arms extended - the ball is held parallel to the ground in the extended arms. In this starting position, the ball is guided back and forth over the head.
  • Ball circle around the body - The ball is rotated once around your own hip.
  • Press Ball - Marching while pressing the ball towards and away from you.
  • Throwing - catching the ball - While jogging, the ball is thrown upwards and caught.

Aerobic steps

Low-impact steps (without jumping and jumping forms)

  • Break - the body is raised and lowered and the knees are bent in the process.
  • Basic step - a step forward is taken from a standing position. This is followed by a step to the left. The right foot then goes back and is pulled to the starting position.
  • Heeldig - the left and right foot are alternately moved forward. The hoe touches the ground. The supporting leg is slightly bent for this.
  • Knee-up - The knees are alternately raised to the horizontal.
  • Leg curl (also leg curl) - the legs are open in the starting position. From there, the weight is shifted to the left and the leg is bent. The leg is then placed back on the floor and the weight is shifted to the right side and the left leg is lifted in a bent position.
  • Steptouch - from a standing position you take a step with your right to the side, so that your body weight is shifted to your right foot. Then the left foot is brought to the right foot and, after a brief tab, returned to the starting position. This sequence is usually very variable.
  • V-Step - The V-Step is a variant of the Basic Step. In contrast to this, however, the forward steps are carried out to the side. Therefore one speaks of a V-shape.

High-impact steps (with a short phase without ground contact)

  • Jumping Jack (also known as jumping jack ) - the legs are opened and closed according to the rhythm. The toes and knees point outwards. It is important that the entire sole of the foot is placed on it and that the knees do not point over the toes.
  • Kick movements - Both legs perform a kick movement to the rhythm of the music and take turns.
  • Knee Lift - The knee lift is similar to the knee-up. The knee is raised to the horizontal, so that you can briefly lift off the floor. As a result, the body is stressed more intensively and more coordinatively.

( Note: The exercises are mostly done at the respective tempo and beat of the music)


BallKoRobic is used more often in apprenticeship training , in sports and football clubs , as well as in school lessons . It also appears in the DFB and the German Football Academy (DFA). In addition to Germany, the sport is also known in the USA , Scandinavia , Dubai , Spain , Portugal , Hungary and Egypt .

Web links


  • FF magazine. 05/2008 - 06/2006 - 07/2008 - 08_09 / 2008 - 11/2008.
  • Gymnastics and sports. 08/2005 - 09/2005 - 02/2006.
  • Sports practice. 05/2002 - 06/2002 - 01/2003.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c BallKoRobics - coordination and conditioning training with ball and music. Retrieved September 29, 2017 .
  2. BallKobics at school (PDF). (PDF) Retrieved September 29, 2017 .
  3. BallKoRobics - coordination training with ball, music and aerobic elements. (PDF) In: Bielefeld University . Retrieved September 30, 2017 .